What is the baron differ from the count?

What is the baron differ from the count? 11861_1

There are not many countries where noble titles are used in the world. Most of them are just a tradition that does not have a valid political force. In the realities of our country, all graphs and barons remained only in history and sometimes it is difficult to find differences between them.

What is the title?

The title is the honorable title, moving inheritance, or can be assigned to some persons, most often nobles. He emphasizes a privileged, special position in society, and also requires special appeal to the owner (Your Majesty, Your Blood and others). Title has previously occurred in many states, including in the Russian Empire. In some countries, for example, in the UK, it is still used.

There is also a wider interpretation of the concept of "title". For example, this may imply an officer rank (military, sports, scientist, artistic, church, etc.). With such interpretation usually face during international communication.

What is the baron differ from the count? 11861_2
Ivan Grozny - the first king of all Russia. Portrait V. Vasnetsova, 1897

In modern Russian society, such an appeal (title + surname) is used in the power bodies. Abroad, it is practiced much more often during ordinary business communication.

Prior to the Board of Peter I in the Russian Empire, the titles have had sovereigns, as well as specific princes and their descendants. Ivan III introduced small honorary titles. The territory of the state was constantly expanding, and the titles changed with it. For example, Ivan IV began to call the king. Russian Synod and Senate in 1721 began to refer to Peter I Emperor.

An interesting fact: the title "Lord", as such, does not exist. This is a way to show respect for a person from a noble family. That is, Lords called the nobles. Count, Baron and Marquis can be called Lords, but the duke and king - no.

The titles of Baron and the graph appeared in Russia, too, at the time of the rule of Peter I. there were corresponding appeals to the honorary person: "Lightness" and "begging". The 1917 revolution laid an end to all titles in the Russian Empire.

What is the baron differ from the count?

If you take a conditional kingdom as an example, then the first place in it occupies the king, and the second is the dukes that divide the country among themselves. Duchy, in turn, is divided into counties. For ease of perception, the duke is the governor, and the graph is the mayor of the city.

The columns appeared a long time ago in the Roman Empire - in the IV century. Then this title belonged to various important persons - the main gunner, treasurer and other things. When the Roman Empire ceased to exist, the graphs were called those who stood at the head of the districts (cities and surrounding villages).

What is the baron differ from the count? 11861_3
The system of feudal device

On his land, they had versatile power - military, administrative and judicial. In the Middle Ages, the graph is almost the highest title after the king and the duke.

Translated from Latin "Baron" - a man. The rank title has less importance compared to the graph. In some countries, it was 1-2 steps below. For example, in England there was still a title of a viscont, which is above Barona.

An interesting fact: Western European titles in Russia introduced Peter I. In our understanding, the Duke is the prince, the Baron is a nobleman, and Count - Boyarin.

In essence, the baron is a "ordinary" nobleman. Also that title was called representatives of knightly childbirth. For the bona service, the land was relying on which they could conduct the economy. Their power was distributed only to the village to be managed. The county consisted of at least 3-barons.

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