7 pieces of furniture that are in fact not needed in small-sidel


If things flooded the house and the rooms do not have enough free space, it's time to reconsider your approach to furniture. Outdoor hanger, tremor, wall and other excess furniture for a small apartment - tell me, from which it is better to get rid of more practical options.


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It is a soft oblong bench without a back. Usually serves as a footrest and an extra seat. In a small room, it looks inappropriate because "eats" useful meters.

Purchase this subject, if you are confident that you will use on purpose, or replace a spacious pouf with a folding lid and a box.

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7 pieces of furniture that are in fact not needed in small-sidel 11855_2

Bulky wall

It is difficult to name the furniture that can accommodate half an apartment is superfluous, but if you strive for comfort, it is better to get rid of the wall. For many, this advice is impossible, because the stuff stuffed in the depths have long become relatives, even if they are useless.

But in this situation, you have to choose what is more important - a bright, air-filled room with proper geometry, or massive dark furniture with a valuable "luggage" inside. About how to replace the wall in the modern interior, read here.

The wall can be disassembled into separate items and transform it using paint.

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Outdoor hanger

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A thin design for storing clothing looks great in fashionable interiors, but brings a lot of inconvenience to the owners of small apartments.

She does not protect things from dust and takes a lot of space, and so that the room looks stylish, and not closed, obliges to hang only the most necessary clothes, desirable selected in colors.

Outdoor hanger in a close hallway - a rapid purchase, which is practical to replace with wall hooks.

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7 pieces of furniture that are in fact not needed in small-sidel 11855_5

Little coffee table

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An additional surface is needed if you often receive guests over a cup of coffee, see movies with drinks and snacks, and also decorate the interior with live bouquets and candles.

But if a small room plays the role of a living room, a cabinet and a bedroom, it is better to refuse the product - otherwise, it will interfere with free movement. For decor, mobile phones and discontinued books, take the shelf or part of the desk.

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Chair in the bedroom

It is considered an indispensable subject for cozy evenings with a book. But a separate corner of reading with a chair, a lamp and a mini-library is needed only to avid booklers, and for all other products it becomes a place to store clothes. It also turns out that it is much more convenient to read in bed.

Soft chair (especially rocking chair) occupies a significant part of the space.

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Truma or dressing table

Usually equipped with a mirror and several shelves for storing all sorts of cosmetic accessories. The design is appropriate if you make a makeup professionally, but in a close room from it it is worth refreshing - a small table with drawers cannot be used as a worker. Modern women prefer cosmetics in the bathroom or sitting by the window at the desk.

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7 pieces of furniture that are in fact not needed in small-sidel 11855_9

Bedside table

Comfortable design is suitable for spacious rooms: its unusual design can even decorate the interior. But in small rooms it is better to use a mounted shelf or compact dresser: it will take a little more free space, but it will be a helpful bedside table.

Ideally, it is worth considering the interior so as not to crush it with small objects. The optimal option is a thoughtful built-in cabinet to the ceiling. With him the room will not seem overloaded, and the place for things will be easily found.

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Before buying a faced furniture item, we recommend to take into account the size of the room, the dimensions of the product, their lifestyle and consider more functional analogs.

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