VTB Pension Fund attracted 2.7 billion rubles on NGOs

VTB Pension Fund attracted 2.7 billion rubles on NGOs 11854_1

VTB Pension Fund has attracted more than 2.7 billion rubles of individuals at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020 under the programs of non-state pension provision (NGOs) on VTB Bank channels, which more than twice the results of the same period of 2019. The number of concluded agreements with individuals increased by almost 12 thousand.

In the fourth quarter of last year, sales of voluntary retirement programs were in segments of premium and retail. These programs allow customers to independently form their future non-state pension: to determine the size and timing of contributions, the term and frequency of its payments. Accumulations on a pension account are invested by the Foundation and bring income to the client. Account information is always available in the Personal Account on the Fund website.

The average check in the premium segment grew by 6.63% compared to the same period of 2019 and amounted to 595 thousand rubles. In the retail segment, the average score amounted to more than 133 thousand rubles.

"A huge contribution to the results of the past quarter introduced a new product, which we suggested retail VTB clients. We started work in this direction more recently - the project was launched in September last year, but over the past three months more than 9.5 thousand people have concluded contracts with us in this segment. Citizens show more and more interest in the independent formation of their pension capital, so we plan to develop this product further, "the Larisa Gorchakovskaya commented on Larisa, CEO of VTB Pension Fund.

"Tulyaki is increasingly thinking about the independent formation of additional savings to the pension. Over the past 3 months of 2020, our clients have issued 158 contracts by more than 50 million rubles, and this figure grows from the quarter to the quarter, "Svetlana Manychkov added, manager of VTB in the Tula region, senior vice president.

VTB Pension Fund is one of the leaders of the non-state pension market. Fund Rating from the Expert RA Agency is consistently held at the level of RuaaA, which is the maximum assessment of creditworthiness and financial stability.

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