Caracatians held a cognitive test for children under six

Caracatians held a cognitive test for children under six 11851_1

All news must be so.

Medicinal Carcatites successfully passed the test developed by Professor Stanford University for children. There was no failed test among Caracatians.

The study has published a team of scientists led by a behavior of the University of Cambridge Alexander Schnell, who studies behavioral ecology. Caracatians staged a version of the famous "Marshmallow Test", which was carried out in the framework of research of delayed pleasure in the 60s and 70s. Children offered a choice - eat marshmallow right now or wait 15 minutes and get twice as much. Those who waited, have achieved great success and had better handed over the final school exam.

The test passed six Caracatians.

They were placed in an aquarium with transparent partitions, which separated it into several rooms. In one of them there was a piece of royal shrimp, which does not seem to be delicious. In the second melted, a living glass shrimp - a delicacy for chalp clams.

On the doors to these premises, the characters were drawn, which Caracatians have already learned to recognize by that time. The circle meant that the door would open immediately. The triangle signaled that the door will open after a while - from ten to 130 seconds. Even for one control group, a square was drawn, which meant that it is unknown when the door opens.

Caracatians explained the conditions of the game: as soon as one of them rushed to the royal shrimp, glass shrimps were removed from the aquarium.

Who has passed from Caracati Test successfully?

The researchers were surprised: all six mollusks decided to wait 50-130 seconds, but get an appetizing glass shrimp. In the control group with a square on the doors, Caracatians did not want to wait unknown how much and preferred to eat a piece of royal shrimp.

Caracatians were equal to self-control with parrots, crow and chimpanzees.

However, these animals successfully passed the test, because they can use tools to mining food, can hide food and demonstrate social behavior. Caracatians do not have listed skills.

Schnell suggests that the Cracatians helped others. They use disguise and wait until the mining sails past, and then they have to chase food - at this time any predator can notice the mollusks and eat them. Therefore, Caracatarians may have learned how to express priorities - what food is worth the risk, and which is not.

The results of the experiment struck society - a well-known comic Joe Rogan, for example, delightedly reacted in Instagram, using obscene vocabulary.

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