How to cook meringue on a stick


Bezers - delicious and easy to prepare dessert, which opens space for artistic creativity and fantasy. For example, meringue on a stick can be a pleasant gift and an adult, and a child for a holiday or without reason.

We in "take and do" inspired the idea of ​​edible gifts and show that we did.

Kitchen tools

How to cook meringue on a stick 11848_1

  • Bubble bowl
  • mixer
  • Confectionery bag and different nozzles
  • bastard
  • baking paper
  • Wooden or bamboo sticks


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  • 6 egg whites
  • 375 g powders
  • Food colors (gel or dry) and confectionery sprinkle (optional)

Preparation course

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  • Take a bowl for whipping. It is recommended to use glass or metal dishes, but in the extreme case you can take plastic.
  • Clean the bowl of pollution and moisture.
  • For degreasing containers, pour it with boiling water with lemon juice.
  • Remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that the proteins warmer to room temperature. So foam will turn out more lush and stable.
  • Take the most fresh eggs.

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  • Separate squirrels from yolks.
  • Put squirrels in a bowl for whipping.
  • Start beat them with a mixer at low speed: so the proteins will be able to gradually be saturated with oxygen.
  • Next, the speed should be gradually increased. When the maximum is reached, it is not recommended to reduce the speed.

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  • Sugar powder can be launched to lay in proteins when they change the color on white and begin to form a foam. Without stopping the beating, add powder to a little bit.

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  • Continue to beat until solid peaks (as in the photo) are started from the mixture.

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  • Divide the mixture on as many parts as the colors are you going to use.

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  • Add a food dye into each piece and mix.
  • Tint of the future merice adjust the amount of dye. For example, we made 3 shades of pink, adding a different number of one and the same dye. Start with one drop, mix and look at the result. If you use a dry dye, start with several grains.

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  • Spread the mixture for meringue on pastry bags. It is convenient to use one-time transparent bags. For amenities, put a bag into a glass or a mug and put the whipped foam into the bag.
  • To make a mart with two-color or tricolor, put a mixture of different colors into one bag. Try to alternate or embedded next to each other.
  • Use the nozzles of different shapes.

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  • Take a baking sheet, cover it with baking paper.
  • If you want to give a certain form of future meringue, clearly draw this shape with a soft pencil on paper, then turn the paper with the pattern down so that the lines are not printed on the dessert.

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  • Note the location of the sticks to which meringue will be fastened.
  • Singing a small amount of meringue at the bottom of the drawn circle and put on top of the wand, but do not press so that it does not pass through the protein mixture and did not touch the paper.

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  • If you are going to make the same meringue, it is convenient to form them simultaneously so that the drawing is repeated.

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  • Alternate colors meringues.

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  • Change the forms of the nozzles that you use.

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  • The size of small meringues, of which then the composition will turn out, can be changed.

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  • Be sure to ensure that there are no gaps between the parts of the mixture.

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  • Add confectionery sprinkling at this stage.

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  • To save time, next to the big meringue on chopsticks, form small meringues.

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  • Meringue on a stick can be any form. For example, round delicacy will look impressively if you immediately make it two-color.

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  • Add decorative details or simply use confectionery sprinkle.

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  • Improving any design, try to start with large details.

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  • Already then complement the drawing with smaller strokes.

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  • Try making a tricolor. To do this, we joined white and 2 shades of pink in one pastry bag.

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  • That's what happened.

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  • By adding details, remember that meringue should not get too thick, because when cooking in the oven it will also increase.

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  • On the day of all lovers you can make meringue as a heart.

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  • Here we made a mistake - put one layer on another.

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  • Choose the nozzles with deep slits - so meringue will look more spectacular.

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  • Confectionery Popper will help hide imperfections of lines.

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  • To create pigtails, use a flat hole nozzle.

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  • Place the mart of a different shape in a checker order to save space on the contrary.

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  • Bake the dessert in the oven preheated to 110 ° C for 1 hour.
  • When baking the door of the oven it is impossible to open.
  • You can feed meringue immediately after cooking.
  • Store is recommended in a closed container in a dry place.
  • Satin ribbons attached to a wand will successfully complement the image.

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