Liquid gold: Castor oil for hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and leather

Liquid gold: Castor oil for hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and leather 11829_1
Liquid gold: Castor oil for hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and leather

Many belong to it with prejudice, and meanwhile castor oil, even worth a penny, multipurpose and highly efficient natural cosmetic.

Castor oil. Method of receipt

Remove it from the seeds of Kleshyevina - a branched culture from the genus of oilseeds. At the same time, it is practiced cold pressing, and the resulting fraction is purified from ricin - poison characteristic of this plant.

As a result, the viscous, straw color is liquid. This is the castor oil - one of the most undervalued cosmetic products.

Castor oil. Composition and properties

More than 80% it is composed of ricinoletic triglycerides. The rest of the part falls on the triglycerides of oleinova, linoleic, palminoma, other giroslot. Proteins and other substances, peculiar to the oil, do not go into the oil.

Liquid gold: Castor oil for hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and leather 11829_2
Castor oil

It would seem that the composition of the Caster is simple, even primitive. Why then, cosmetologists call this oil as the best and universal of accessible tools?

The fact is that not only hyaluronic acid is capable of holding moisture in the cells and create a protective barrier. "Cream" is both triglycerides. They also have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, stimulating, restoring effect on the epidermis.

Castor oil. Methods of application

Castor - a wand-corona for dry, peeling, aging, losing the skin of the skin. True, the possessors of extended pores and excessively active gland glands with this oil should be on guard, as it can provoke the formation of acne.

However, most often the Caster is used in caring for hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. After all, this product is a natural activator of hair follicles. Triglycerides have a colossal energy potential, which forces "sleeping" bulbs to launch the growth of hairs.

In addition, Castor is fighting with dandruff and restores the structure of damaged hair, laminates them, "stuck" tips. Eyebrows and eyelashes at the same time she makes darker, expressive.

How is the most reasonable to use castor oil?
  • Combine with massage on the cleaned skin face.
  • Add nutritious hair masks.
  • Apply on eyelashes and leave half an hour.
  • Combing with a brush moistened in the Caster, eyebrows.

With hair castor oil is better to rinse with shampoo. From the skin of the face and eyebrows - warm water. And from the eyelashes of the surplus of the Caster clean the dry tampon.

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