The Central Bank intends to render the population of rail money through coin acceptors - Irkuts are skeptical


Irkutsk, Moscow, 25.03.21 (IA Teleinform), - Central Bank announced its intention to withdraw from the population of coins with the help of special equipment - Irkutsks are not too inspired by the idea.

The federal media report that the Bank of Russia has planned to conduct an experiment with the collection of coins in people through special machines. Commissions for receiving coins will not or it will be minimal. Such an initiative is explained by the fact that less and less iron money that fell to the population is returned to the turnover.

In 2020, the Bank of Russia issued over 1.3 billion coins into circulation, that is, nine coins for each inhabitant of the country. The manufacture of this coin cost 3.8 billion rubles, writes "Russian newspaper". Against the background of the pandemic, the share of the coin that returned to the bank's office of the Bank of Russia (that is, it did not disappear, but continued to be used as a means of calculations), decreased to 46% (in 2019 - 63%).

The experiment will be held in 2022 in one of the regions characterized by a low proportion of a coin refund. Since the regulator does not have the appropriate equipment, a technological partner will be attracted. If the pilot passes successfully, the use of apparatuses for receiving coins will expand.

The journalist Alina Maya expressed doubt that these apparatuses for receiving coins from the population are so necessary.

- The Central Bank declares that in 2020, only 46% of the coins from the manufactured volume returned to the turnover. But it is necessary to assume that last year passed under the sign of self-insulation. People rarely came out of the house, lived on the online, made purchases online. That is, there was much less chance to use iron money. Now we are more or less returning to the usual life, we use public transport, where it is more convenient to pay "trifle", and in Irkutsk stores, for example, I have never refused to take iron money. On the contrary, if you calculate cash, they are often asked to give without passing. Therefore, it seems to me that for our region, this problem is not so relevant. And if you need to stimulate people to return the rail money in turnover, you can do this "day of coins", when the population can exchange a "trifle" without a commission, the journalist noted.

The architect Ksenia Zimina does not see the draft special meaning:

- I do not know why it is necessary. I have not seen real money for a year - it has long been on the online online. All purchases online. Even stopped wearing a wallet - only the phone and the map. Now all people go online. True, we have the remains of iron coins at home - they are not too much, we have not yet decided what to do with them - thought for them to install the floor or something else to decorate.

The Central Bank intends to render the population of rail money through coin acceptors - Irkuts are skeptical 1181_1
The Central Bank intends to render the population of rail money through coin acceptors - Irkuts are skeptical

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