In Russia, they will change the rules of early retirement: to whom will they pay earlier?

In Russia, they will change the rules of early retirement: to whom will they pay earlier? 11797_1

Russia will change the rules for calculating the experience for the appointment of an old-age early insurance pension, if the initiative of the Ministry of Labor is supported. This is reported by Moscow Komsomolets.

Lists of works will be expanded, which give the right to retire. In addition, the period will be included in the overall work experience when a person received vocational training, provided that the employer preserved a workplace for it and paid insurance premiums. This rule will also be distributed on those citizens who, by virtue of professional activities, need to regularly undergo advanced training courses.

How much will the "followers" appear?

Now retirement earlier may have more than 30 categories of citizens. These are employees of the medical sphere, teachers, actresses, pilots, employees of heavy and hazardous industries.

For example, if the driver spent in his post for 15 years (for women) and 20 years (for men), the right to retire the retirement ahead of time in 50 and 55 years, respectively. Pedagogues, such a right appears after 25 years of experience.

From 2019, early, regardless of the profession, can retire a woman who has experiences 37 years old, and men who have worked for 42 years or more.

Periods include periods when a person was unemployed, but at the same time he was registered with the employment service and received a benefit. But still does not take into account the time when a person is undergoing training courses. Meanwhile, it should regularly do doctors and teachers. In the Mintrude, it is planned to correct this state of affairs.

There have already been calculated that the changes will affect 10 million workers who are forced to pass vocational training. About this "MK" said the member of the Council of Confederation of the Labor of Russia, Ex-Deputy Minister of Labor Pavel Kudyukin. Pedagogues, according to him, spend about 10 days every three years. More serious time spent among representatives of workers' professions.

"The enterprise can send an employee to learn a new specialty for 2-3 years. True, most often obtaining such education takes place in a correspondence or evening form, that is, without a separation from production, "Kudyukin explained.

He voiced another problem with which citizens face: often employers refuse to pay courses, while demanding from employees to provide a document that advanced training was completed.

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