Patty Jenkins constantly fought with Warner Bros. For your vision "Wonder Women"

Patty Jenkins constantly fought with Warner Bros. For your vision
Patty Jenkins constantly fought with Warner Bros. For your vision "Wonder Women"

The creation of the first "wonderful women" (2017) was accompanied by permanent creative disputes between the director Patty Jenkins and Studio Warner Bros. As the director itself told in an interview with WTF Podkasta, initially studio saw in the director of the woman only the decorative gasket between the film process and the release of the film.

According to her, after Monster (2003), she was devastated, looking for a new job and stretched to the "wonder-woman", although he had an interest in other projects. In 2004, Warner Bros. For the first time he turned to her with a proposal to put a film about the Princess of Amazons. Since then, Jenkins and representatives of the studio regularly collected once a few years and discussed the future picture. At some stage, the number of scenarios with a completely different vision of history exceeded 30. Jenkins received a destination, but, despite this, the interaction with the studio immediately became tense.

"They wanted the film director, and the history and vision remained on the set. And my ideas? They did not even want to read my script and showed distrust of a different way of doing business and another point of view. When I proposed something, I heard: "Uh, yes, good, but let's do it differently." I answered that women would not want to see such. The wonderful woman has severity and cruelty. She (in comics) cuts off to people heads. I am a fan of wonder women, and what they offer me is not what the fans need. In my opinion, they were nervous, and I felt it, "said the director.

As a result, Jenkins decided not to quarrel with studio bosses and left the project, honestly saying that the story proposed by them is not suitable. Moreover, she was offered to lead TOR 2: the kingdom of darkness. " The film was called another director - Michelle McLaren, but she was long lasting, leaving in 2015 because of the same creative disagreements. Jenkins did not work out with God thunder, and then Warner jumped her back.

"Gradually, everything was smoothed to such an extent that it became possible to move forward with the film. They came to me and asked: "Do you really want to do it in your own way?". And here - boom! And I already removed the film, "she summarized.

But despite the fact that her creative control was enough, the studio intervened anyway and forced to change the ending, making it more large-scale.

"The initial end of the first film was not so large, but the studio made me change it at the last minute. Although I thought it was not time for it, I agreed to it. Therefore, I was always a bit unpleasant if people pay attention to the final. In the end, I liked it, but it was not the original conclusion of the film, "she said in an IGN interview.

Now in the cinemas and on Streaming HBO MAX demonstrates the "Wonder Woman 1984". From the initial enthusiastic reviews, its rating is gradually decreasing to moderate estimates. also expressed his opinion in microrecans, and also presented claims to the ending.

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