Prices for milk, bread, chicken, cereals, potatoes, medicines jumped. Officials seem to have found the cause


In February, prices for many products and services have noticeably increased. Many vegetables, milk, cereals, salt, bread, chicken meat, medicine were among the leaders in the rise in price. March and the National Bank told about which goods and services in February the price was more noticeable and why it happened. If short, then this is including the consequences of the authorities - increasing VAT for many products, medicines, medical products, children's goods. We will remind, earlier, the Minister of Taxes and fees Sergey Nalvayko predicted that due to the increase in VAT "Growth of prices will not happen", Tut.BY.

Prices for milk, bread, chicken, cereals, potatoes, medicines jumped. Officials seem to have found the cause 11788_1
Snapshot is illustrative

Products and services went in price

Recall, last month in Belarus recorded monthly inflation over the past 5 years, it was at the level of 1.9%. Annual inflation has accelerated to 8.7%, and on socially significant goods - up to 7.2%.

Among the products are leading in price growth of fresh cucumbers (+ 21.6%), bananas (+ 20.9%), potatoes (+ 11.7%), carrots (+ 10.7%), beet (+ 10.6% ). Food salt has risen in price by 9.4%, onions - by 8.8%, fresh white cabbage - by 8.1%, sweet pepper - by 7.1%.

Prices for margarine and canned vegetables rushed by 6.4% over the past month.

Related prices for many cereals. For example, Perplovka has become more expensive by 5.2%, millet and buckwheat - by 3.5%, oatmeal - by 2.5%.

In February, many sweets also risen in price, including marmalade (+ 4.7%), cookies and gingerbread (+ 3.6%), Iris (+ 3.5%), marshmallow and caramel (+ 3.1%) . In general, confectionery has become more expensive by 2.3%.

Dairy products went up for February as a whole by 1.3%. At the same time, the prices of milk rose by 1.8%, for fatty cottage cheese - by 1.3%, yogurt - by 1.7%.

Meat in general rose by almost 1%. The price of meat minced meat rose more visible - by 2.5%, chicken - by 2.3%, semi-finished products from poultry meat - by 2%, by the bird from the bird - by 1.3%. At the same time, pork (besides blankless) fell by 0.2%.

Chicken eggs have become more expensive by 0.5%. We will remind, the authorities are interested in the presence of Easter holidays in Easter holidays. Meanwhile, trading networks complain about the fact that some poultry farms perform their applications by half. One of the possible reasons for this is to send egg producers to export.

The medicines were more expensive for February by 5.4%. For example, anti-infectious agents and agents for the treatment of the respiratory system rose by 6.5%, cardiovascular means - by 5.7%. Bandages rose by 6.1%, syringes - by 5.9%. Medical services rose in price by 2.5%,

Bread and bakery products rose by 1.1%. For example, bread from wheat flour of the highest grade has become more expensive by 1.6%, and the first grade is 1.5%.

How officials explain the rise in prices

In March, explain that "increased increase in prices is due to the preservation of the unfavorable effect of the rise in the cost of imported goods, as well as the abolition of tax benefits."

"In February from imported goods, the greatest increase in prices in annual terms was preserved for fish and fish products, oil and fats, cereals, and fruits. Also, the rise in prices for medicines was also continued (from January canceled benefits on VAT) and, as a result, medical services are noted - celebrated in March. - In general, the rise in drug prices contributed to the annual price increase of socially significant products about 2.1 percentage points, oil and fats - 0.9 percentage points, for fruits and vegetables - 0.8 percentage points. "

In March, they say that for February imported fish and fish products rose by 1.6%, vegetable oil - 5.8% (practically not produced in the country), drugs - 5.1 percent, fruit and vegetable products - 7.1%, medical Services - 2.5%.

"The increase in constantly regulated prices and tariffs in annual terms in February amounted to 8.5%, - noted in March. - In February (in addition to increasing prices for medicines and tariffs for medical services), an increase in the cost of pre-school institutions is noted by 10.2%, as well as car fuel prices by 1.1%. Planned raised tariffs for housing and communal services by 8.6%. "

Prices for milk, bread, chicken, cereals, potatoes, medicines jumped. Officials seem to have found the cause 11788_2
Snapshot is illustrative

The National Bank clarify that basic inflation, which reflects the dynamics of free prices without taking into account positions, prices for which are subject to the influence of administrative and seasonal factors, in February in annual terms (by the same period of 2020) amounted to 8.3%. The month earlier it was at 7.5%.

The National Bank leads such numbers: drugs in February in annual terms (to the same period of 2020) went up by 20.9%, personal transport insurance services - by 31%, cigarettes - by 11.4%, vehicle inspection services - by 10 ,four%.

That officials have changed at VAT rates

Recall, the Tax Code has been updated December 31, when the Belarusians "planed" salads. Because of this, from January 1, a list of food products has been reduced to which the VAT rate is 10% in import and selling in Belarus. And on those positions that were excluded, there is a tax of 20%. Speech, including conservation - vegetable, fruit, tomato, fish (including olives, olives, mushrooms), Many cereals (buckwheat, millet, barley, lentils), flour (all-grained oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, rye), natural Honey, seaweed, margarine, some confectionery, including cookies, waffles. And this is not the entire list of products to which VAT raised.

From January 1, raised value added tax rates on the import and sale of drugs and medical devices. In pharmacies, retail prices have increased.

Then the officials had to freeze prices for some products and medicines.

From January raised tariffs for the LCS: $ 4.2 went up among other things, the maintenance service and overhaul of residential buildings, gas, electric and water supply, drainage, removal of garbage, maintenance of the elevator, the cleaning of entrances. Also raised tariffs for electricity. But due to the nuances of statistics, this rise in price is displayed in the data for February.


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