Sites with slander offer to block without a court decision

Sites with slander offer to block without a court decision 11784_1

Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation approved the bill in the first reading, according to which law enforcement agencies will have the possibility of extrajudicial blocking of access to web resources, which "are engaged in the dissemination of inaccurate information related to the commitments of crimes."

The relevant amendments are supposed to be made to federal legislation "On information, information technologies, information protection". The deputies of Valery Gazzaev, Sergey Boyarsky, Andrei Alshevski, were made as authors of the draft law.

With the comment on the proposed draft of the law, one of the authors of the document was performed, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the United Russia party Sergey Boyarsky: "The draft law submitted by us aims to develop tools that will ensure the protection of the rights of citizens of the country on the Internet and provide them with the opportunity to respond promptly to disseminate information On alleged offenses committed by them, slander, which will determine the honor of man, dignity, business reputation. "

The parliamentarian also stated that today it is possible to defend their rights "long and persistently" to defend their rights, which is impossible to compare with the speed of disseminating implausible information on the Internet.

"People who have already familiarized themselves with slander and fake information, are no longer interested in leaving then after some time refutations. Of course, some information web resources are removed, but the distribution of information is much faster. That is why it is proposed to implement the pre-trial procedure for restricting access to websites and services, on which the dissemination of fake information about crimes committed by citizens, "said Sergey Boyarsky.

According to the draft law, if a citizen of Russia sees the information on the Internet, which is a slander, it will depart its dignity and reputation, he will independently apply to the prosecutor's office with fixation of such data. He will also need to provide evidence that he is not invalid to the described criminal acts.

After accepting a statement from a citizen of Russia, the prosecutor's office is obliged to check the information within 10 days, contact the Prosecutor General's Office, which in 5 days or refuses the applicant, or with the help of Roskomnadzor will block access to relevant web resources.

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