Why the subordinates for the eyes were called Marshal fishing chick

Why the subordinates for the eyes were called Marshal fishing chick 11772_1
Why subordinates for the eyes called Marshal Fishing Eric's Mother Hick

Please forgive for abnormative expressions, but I will not throw out words from the song. The fact remains a fact. The famous and legendary marchaine of the armored troops of Pavel fishing officers of his headquarters secretly, behind his back, called x @ th. More precisely, Fu Dzi X @ th.

In Russian, it is a rude and obscene abuse, and in China - ordinary surname. There are people with the surname X @ th more than in Russia Sidorovy and Petrov. Few of them guess that they are better not surprised in Russian-speaking countries.

It all started in the distant Chinese province of Xinjiang. In 1932, local Dungan raised an uprising against the Chinese. Because of what is still incomprehensible. Unrest, passing into armed conflicts, there was constantly. To be clear, Dungan is the same Chinese, but Muslims. He headed the uprising Ma Zhong. Local Uygura-Uigurs joined them. Cuts and the Chinese, and all others. It was delivered to the local Russian White Guards who escaped in Xinjiang during the Civil War in Russia.

Why subordinates for the eyes called Marshal Fishing Eric's Mother Hick

Shen Shitsii

The RKKK reconnaissance department received data that Ma Zhong is focused on Japan, gets money from it and weapons. Is this or not, still unclear. Most likely, the army intelligence, and the Soviet leaders convinced the Chinese governor, General Sheng Shitsii. Sleening was type, could deceive anyone. To promise, become a close friend, and then betray. For him it was the usual thing.

He lacked the Armed Forces in the province, the Chinese at that time fought in the central regions with Hommerdan, the Japanese and in general with each other. So Sheng Shitsiy really wanted to get military assistance from Soviet Russia. Moreover, Xinjiang is an important strategic region rich in natural fossils. It was not only the Japanese, but also Western countries. The young Soviet Union also could not stay aside.

Soviet diplomats from Sokhi believed Fox Schitsai, but to introduce a large military contingent was afraid due to a possible conflict with Japan. They went to the cunning - fighters from the 13th Alma-Ata Regiment of the NKVD changed to the White Guard shape, the shoulder shoulder straps, made the Soviet labeling on weapons and introduced into Xinjiang. Local Russian officers and soldiers of the former white army are joined by the NKVDShnikov, seeking to deserve forgiveness and return to their homeland. It was ridiculous and unusually heard such expressions as "Comrade Lieutenant", "Mr. Commissioner" or "Mr. Comrota". As a result, such documentary pearls appeared: "Comrade Lieuchor Ugryumov could not explain the decisive role of the Red Army during the civil war. Comrade Lieutenant Ugryumov also could not tell about the atrocities and whitmen of the White Guards during her. Declaration of the guarantor of the sullen party communist reprimand! "

To guide this strange unit, the name of the Altai Army, GRU (or, as it was then called, reconnaissance) sent the Combridge ADI Karimovich Malikova, I.F. Kutsa, M.M. Shaimuratova, V.T. Obukhov. It was clean water scouts.

Why subordinates for the eyes called Marshal Fishing Eric's Mother Hick

For the Military Command, Pavel Semenovich Fishenko was chosen - the brave and devoted to the Soviet government of the warrior. Cavalist, squadron commander and regiment, at the same time combining the position of the Commissioner. I began to serve the rank in the first world war, deposited Menchl, participated in the Brusilov breakthrough. After the revolution, one of the first joined the Red Army, commanded a partisan detachment, and then a squadron and even a cavalry brigade. He fought almost with all the enemies - with the Germans, Petlura, Denikin, Poles and other.

A bold man was not only with the enemies, but also bosses cut the truth to the uterus. During the Second World War, dare to reass and object to Stalin. But at the same time, fishing was sharp, conflict and not always correct. It's easier to say, Grubian. It's with him and played a bad joke. Gathering in Xinjiang and issuing "linden" documents to the Chinese surname, he quarreled with one of the officers of the recovery. He, the small army bin, without being able to answer the eldest in rank, decided to take revenge on fishing in his own way. I issued documents for the name of Fu Dzi X @ th unreactive for the Russian ear. When the future Marshal saw him dubbed, made a scandal and even tried to fill the face with a staff clerk. That was skillfully justified: they say, this is a normal Chinese name, the name of fishermen or fishing should sound, and Mongols and Uigur, it generally means "dear, wise warrior."

The experts of the Chinese language then there was little intelligence, and the time remained in the edge, so fishing, spitting, swearing and often mentioned his new surname, went to Xinjiang. He fought there bravely and skillfully. Combined with the White Guard Parts, the Altai Army defeated the rebels under Urumchi. Here for the first time new Soviet armored vehicles were applied. Within a few months, the NKVDSH-Belogvardesco-Chinese army crossed uprising throughout the province. Fishing, remaining the adviser and head of the headquarters, created and taught from the White Cossacks a cavalry division under the command of General Vakhmetyev to maintain order in the region. For merit received from Sheng Schitsky title of "Russian General in Chinese Service" and the Order of pure gold with a saucer. However, the Order was confiscated in Almaty Customs. Local residents and even the enemies also respected the future Marshal and his last name. Did not align the staff translator, Fu Dzi x @ y - "brave, wise warrior"

The story with an indecent last name was widely publicized. Of course, not in newspapers and official documents, but in the army folklore. On officer feasts with vodka and jokes Bike about fishing fu Ji @ I had noisy and cheerful success.

Why subordinates for the eyes called Marshal Fishing Eric's Mother Hick

After Xinjiang, fishing from cavalrymen retrained into military diplomats, siren scouts. There was a military attache in Poland and China. Great war met, being at the disposal of the recovery. Tanker began randomly. He commanded intelligence in the 5th tank army, and after the defeat and death of the Lieseukov commander, as the oldest in charge, took the command to himself and brought troops from the environment. His successes noticed and began to use to restore and bring into order parts of the parts lost. In 1943 he was generally appointed to command the 3rd Guards Tank Army. With her, he passed the whole war. He skillfully fought on the Kursk arc, forced Dnipro, freed Kiev. It was his army that saved Lviv from destruction. Reached Berlin. War finished, with tanks broke into Prague. Twice awarded a star of the hero.

But all his life he was pursued with his Chinese pseudonym. The staff officers who received the catagon and the separation from Marshal have invariably remembered and reedded Chinese surname.

It is said that Beria's all-knowing Lavrenty told this story to Stalin. Once at the meeting, he asked Marshal as he was called in China. Fishing was forced to admit. "Inactive surname for a Russian man," the leader said with a grin.

Why the subordinates for the eyes were called Marshal fishing chick 11772_2
Why subordinates for the eyes called Marshal Fishing Eric's Mother Hick

Pavel fishing with son vile

Pavel Semenovich Fishenko died in 1948 from kidney disease. Many say that the role and nervous shock was played - the only and beloved son Lieutenant Ville fish burned down in a tank in 1942.

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