"Learn to swim and buzz from it." In Zelenograd, opened school swimming Swim Shot


Everyone is taught here, regardless of age and sports training. Even if you do not know how to stay on the water or swimming as an ax. Classes for adults and adolescents (from 10 years) are held in the "Orbit" pool on the lake alley, for children (from 5 years) - in the building 305 on the central avenue. There is also classes in Solnechnogorsk. "Zelenograd.ru" talked with the founder of Swim Shot School, a master of sports by Alexander Davydov - about the concept and surprises of classes. And at the same time, fusks and caps.

- Alexander, and maybe a person who can not swim to you? It also happens. Not taught in childhood or afraid of big water.

- Sure. In general, this is one of our tasks - to teach a person to swim. No matter, the child is or an adult. In any case, he will be under the supervision of professional coaches to consistently overcome his fears, start sailing, and then improve. And do it with pleasure.

Fear is taken from the head. No people who are impossible to teach swimming. But it happens a certain stage, on which a person stops. For example, it is afraid to lie down on the back in the pool and is convinced that he will not be able to master it. Such a block in his head. Meanwhile, there are absolutely safe exercises applying to this action to the correct way of swimming, proper coordination. So, moving from the step to the step, consistently, under the professional manual you can learn anything, and the fear of itself will go away.

Timetable of classes

- in "Orbit": Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 8:15, Tuesday and Thursday - 21:00 - in the building 305: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 16:00 and 17:00 - in Solnechnogorsk, Fock "Olympus ": Saturday and Sunday - 14:00, 15:00, 16:00

- How are classes are built?

- There are three coaches on each workout. In any case, now, when classes just started. Groups are divided by age. We also try to distribute children and adults, based on the level of swimming. But you can really appreciate the person only at the first workouts in the pool, and then then choose a group ideally suitable for its development.

- What is your fundamental difference from existing swimming schools?

- We teach to swim so that a person enjoyed the process of swimming as much as possible. Combined pleasant with useful - it sounds trite, but this is a fact. In training you can make a buzz, believe me. Even with pain in the muscles or a shot down pulse - to have fun.

If a person is tired, no one will overload it, to force into force. We will adjust the well-being. We have adopted a relaxed living communication, there is no strict hierarchy and subordination "Trainer - student". We can talk, chat about anything - at least about family and work, at least about cartoons with a child.

After each workout, all students receive a pleasant bonus. It may be goodies - cookies, juice, fruit - or some trifle, souvenir. This is a kind of remuneration for the work done.

There is a free trial occupation - you can sign up on our website Swimshot.ru. There you can also purchase subscriptions for training.

What is needed for classes (including trial)

- Help from the therapist / pediatrician - sailing cap, better silicone - swimming trunks / swimsuit - rubber sneakers, so as not to slip - swimming glasses - towel and soap

- And you, now a professional athlete, how at what age learned to swim?

- Six years, on the Black Sea. I jumped with a pier, my father caught me. And at some point, when I once again was ready to jump, he said: "Well, I swam ashore." And I jumped and swam. But the father, of course, was sure that he was already ready, I could already swim and swim. And at seven years they gave me to the pool, because I was fat. - I can not believe, looking at you.

- Yes, yes, there was a second degree of obesity. And if at 8 years I have weighed 48 kilograms, then, engaged in swimming, in 12 I have weighed as much - despite the fact that rose about ten centimeters.

- How do you feel about the people's way to teach swim - reset the child into the water from the boat, for example, and let it be racing?

- Negative. It's how to send to Everest to teach climbing. Such radical methods are very dangerous, and the risk in this case is not related to the benefit. It is necessary to learn gradually and first where the child can put his leg at home at any time. And if he is sure that he will not drown, accustomed to security, it will be ready to make a task more complicated.

- If parents give to swimming a child, it is necessary to somehow specially prepare for this?

- This is all individually - parents know their child. One is ready at least to do anything else, another one must somehow prepare morally - talk about swimming, show something, tell how it's great. One thing I can say - no one will be hitting the child :). We have it in full safety: one coach in water, two on the side, full insurance. And also yummy after classes. All conditions are: changing room, shower, hairdryer and so on.

In general, I would call for all parents who gave children to training - it doesn't matter, or not, - to trust the coach. If this is, of course, a qualified coach. Do not interfere in the process, do not suggest what to do, do not ask to overload children for some sporting achievements. Just wait for the result, this is the most reasonable behavior.

"Suppose a person knows how to swim somehow - bathes in the sea. Why should he even learn to swim?

- Let's start with the fact that actually swimming is a vital skill. God forbid that, of course, but the ability to swim can save life.

Swimming is one of the most preservative sports. Theoretically, you can crash with all the force in the side, jumping from the towers - but it is already necessary to try to very much. Before class it is necessary to make a small workout - ordinary elementary exercises - to heat the muscles. Twist shoulders, hands, legs, make slopes. This will additionally save from injuries.

Swimming there are no contraindications. All - pregnant, disabled, old men can swim. When a person swims, he has all the muscle groups, which in our daily life almost do not work. The vertical pressure is disappeared in the water, which we experience when we stand, sit, go, run. Water removes this load, a person is relaxing. The spine stretches - and this is very useful. This is the prevention of hernia, osteochondrosis and other typical contemporary diseases sitting at the computer. Swimming is extremely useful for the respiratory system, strengthens immunity, harres. In short, one solid benefit.

Swimming perfectly affects the shape. We are not even talking about professional swimmers now, but about ordinary people. I have two girls. One for two months of classes - two or three times a week - dropped, according to her, six kilograms. And minus six centimeters in the waist. Says, without any diets, ate flour and fat. And the second in a month he told that the weight is the same, but at the same time it became more slim - fat switched to the muscles, the figure became relief. Jeans, says better sit.

Well, finally, swim nice and soothes nerves. This is a kind of meditation. These are rhythmic movements and breathing, monotonous physical activity, natural relaxation, harmony. Swim and do not think about anything ...

- Why do you need a hat in the pool?

- So that plums are not clogged with hair, only therefore. If everyone swims without hats, there will be standing polluted water in the pool, it will have to completely merge, then pour, and this is very long. I will reveal the secret - many professional swimmers train without a hat, they are so more convenient. True, they often shave the head of the floor.

- And why?

- Study to swim, we omit your face into the water. In glasses, water does not fall into the eyes, it does not interfere with a person. And besides, glasses are needed to see everything under water, where the side is where other students.

Since we started talking about equipment, I will say about bathing suits. The child is smelting should be in size, and not to increase - otherwise they can fall from it in water. Men are advised to engage in tight fuses, and not in shorts. Shorts watered, become severe and make it difficult to move. I would advise the girls and women with closed sports swimsuits, it will be more convenient to engage in them.

- How to decide on time, subscription, chat before starting classes with you or other coaches?

- You can log on at the site or call: 8-977-188-55-59. We will help you to decide on the pool, the subscription, to choose a convenient time, will answer questions. Come on trial training with help and everything you need. If you like it, we conclude a bilateral contract for the period of the subscription.

The subscription is calculated by the number of workouts: twice a week - 8, three times a week - 12. It acts a month. If a person gets ill, for example, either the occupation is postponed, or individually decide the question. But if there is a certificate, the training in any case does not disappear. Still, it is necessary to engage constantly if possible.

Of course, it can happen anything - a person will need to leave, let's say. All this is discussed and solved.

- Can you train only in the group?

- There are personal training. They are more expensive, of course. An individual plan is drawn up, they are engaged separately with a person. We have and classes "on land" - in the gym in the Fock "Savely" on the Lake Alley. This is a bar, the development of coordination, exercises for all muscle groups. You can purchase a separate subscription to the gym, there is a subscription "Plus Hall" subscription. You can even engage in online. Choose, we have a variety of suggestions. In all cases, trial training is free.

- Are there any discounts or other bonuses?

- In January - a one-time action: let's give free training to the one who will advertise us in Instagram - post, storm with the mention of our school of swimming.

There are also discounts. When buying two subscriptions - for example, a child and a child - a discount of 10% of the total cost, three or more - 15%.

- If a client comes with some unusual requests. For example, say: "I want to learn to swim with butterfly to participate in competitions." What will you answer him?

"How was it in a song ..." Let everything be as you want. " Why not - we have such clients. It all depends on the skills, physical form, level. All come in swimming for something. Someone - to stay on the water, someone - to fulfill the discharge. If you wish and properly through both parties, you can teach butterfly.

Swim School Swim School

Site: Swimshot.ruSechnology: @ Swim_Shotvail: vk.com/swim_ShotText: 8-977-188-55-59

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