"Not decent" - Russian stars who humiliate the servant


Becoming the famous, many Russian actors and musicians forget that they are people, and bring their status to "celestial". So with the service personnel, some communicate never learned, or rather, they have learned. Who are these celebrities?

Philip Kirkorov

An extraordinary personality. After a scandalous story with a journalist Irina Aroyan Kirkorov called inadequate and stolen. Nevertheless, the housekeeper Lucia worked in his family for almost 30 years. True, then it was put up for the door without explaining the reasons for dismissal. But with the service personnel during the tour or at concerts, Philip Kirkorov will never ceremony. It displays any trifle, for example, a non-ideally configured microphone.

Philip Kirkorov fired Lusyu. Photo: MusicBoxtv.ru.

Yana Rudkovskaya

In the rudeness and rudeness of the producer, the decorators who decorated her house for the new year. The hostess was outraged that there were too many boxes with materials in her living room. Yana Rudkovskaya did not restrain in the comments and almost dismissed workers. The woman calls his house with a real work of art, and in it definitely there is no place for bulky boxes.

Yana Rudkovskaya expelled decorators. Photo: Clutch.net.ua.

Eva Polna

In the piquant situation and this singer, and in a drunk and in public. In one of the metropolitan restaurants, Eva Polna went over with a little drinks and began to scatter dishes. In response to the tactful remark of the waiter, the singer broke out with a speakerphone. That in debt also did not remain and called Eve Tolstoy, for which he received from Polna chair on his back. This is the attitude to the service personnel.

Eva Polna broke the dishes in the restaurant. Photo: Gubdaily.ru.

Olga Buzova

In front of the concert in Kazan, this singer was distinguished. Not only is Olga for 2 hours late for the makeup, so also smoked hookah when applying makeup. The makeup artist Elmira Kolyakova publicly told about the behavior of Buzova and promised more with her never cooperate. Olga Igorevna herself loves to boast his "closer to the people."

Buzova does not respect the makeup artists. Photo: Clutch.net.ua.

Alexander Malinin

In this case, the Nanny of Lyudmila Korolev, who watched the children of the musician is remembered. The woman worked according to the schedule two days after two and was dissatisfied with the hard requirements of the owners. It turns out that during working hours it did not have the right to sleep and should be awake all 48 hours. Alas, Lyudmila Korolev in the house of Alexander Malinina did not stay for a long time.

Alexander Malinin did not enjoy the housekeeper. Photo: Ok.ru.

Earlier, we wrote about star families who did not live in marriage and 1 year. Why did it happen? Perhaps guest marriage would come. Who did the Russian celebrities and did it? It is also interesting to know which brides did not reach the registry office at all, unexpectedly canceled the wedding.

Do you know such cases? Write in the comments.

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