3 Dangers for those who train


The desire to fix his health and acquire a beautiful body leads many people in the gym. Someone shakes the press, others train buttocks or seek to improve the power indicators. But how many do you think that during training they expose their life and danger health?

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Physical exhaustion

People often forget that the main goal of physical exertion is the overall strengthening of the body. Many are trained to exhaustion, to the full loss of forces, not paying attention to pain and discomfort. For this reason, very often news ribbons are filled with reports that women and men die in gym.

And often we are talking about young blooming people who were fond of the idea of ​​a healthy beautiful body, forgetting about the physical possibilities of their body. Especially often the female representatives suffer from physical exhaustion, which combine heavy physical exertion with strict diets.

The human body can not be called an eternal engine, it always gives a failure, this is a matter of time and the right way of life. With exhausting loads, the level of blood sugar drops sharply, as a result of which the training can lose consciousness.

Combining training and bad habits

Physical activity is useful not to everyone. If a person periodically abuses with alcohol drinks, then classes in the gym threaten to him with serious complications. Also harmful to smoke before and after training. The body is simply not able to withstand such a load. However, not always smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is contraindications for classes in the gym.

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With this lifestyle, like veganism and vegetarianism, specialists advise to abandon intense physical exertion. People who are not eating animal products do not receive a sufficient amount of protein necessary to build muscle mass. In this case, the training for a long time is restored, it cannot find forces on physical activity, feels bad.

Rare visit to the doctor

Many people coming in the hall consider themselves absolutely healthy. They strive in a short time to achieve results and improve the power indicators. For these purposes take great weights, train for several hours daily, forgetting about rest and sleep. But this behavior comes out sideways.

Almost every second person has health problems, and intensive physical exertion can affect life. Very often, newcomers are experiencing pain in the joints and tendons, problems with the spine begin. Instead of becoming healthy and beautiful, a person feels pain and reluctance to get up from bed.

Before you start visiting the gym, you need to visit the therapist, which will help identify hidden diseases or choose permissible exercises and weights. Do not need to fall to yourself. Sometimes excellent well-being can hire a serious threat to health and even life.

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