What to do to be happy in love: 5 tips from psychologists

What to do to be happy in love: 5 tips from psychologists 11692_1

Nobody wants to be attached to a person, and then suffer. However, anyone's love can happen in love with a mistake. But psychologists give five tips to help avoid the dramatic finals!

How to competently build relationships and be happy in love

These five tips from specialists will help build harmonious relationships and not mistaken.

1. Learn to distinguish love from addiction

To consider hysterics, jealousy and endless clarification of relations with signs of love erroneously. Psychologists are confident that any emotion, causing pain, has nothing to do with blond and kind feelings. Love should be mutual, and if a man does not share the feelings of a woman, then she becomes a victim in a relationship. And anyone who has happened to love without reciprocity, had to face experiences, pain and negative.

Think whether it is worth losing self-esteem, to underestimate self-esteem and cry because of your bad luck, if you are bad next to a man? Perhaps you just contacted the wrong person. Do not choose the position of the victim, and finally understand that all your experiences may be a consequence of the fact that you just experience strong attachment to the partner, and this does not mean that you love it. In relations should reign harmony.

Some people really want love, but they do not imagine what it should be. In relations appear jealousy, control and distrust, and one of the partners will certainly suffer. But psychologists again focus on the fact that the bright and kind feeling should bear joy and helping two people become better. But nothing on the contrary!

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Photo source: pixabay.com 2. Get rid of everything that brings pain

If you can't figure out your own feelings yourself, contact a psychologist for help. Do you feel that they have become dependent on a person? Do you overcome experiences, jealousy and are you trying to keep everything all the time under control? Then you just need to put the point in this story as soon as possible. We work out the reasons for such an emotional state along with specialists or try to figure it out in everything yourself.

3. Understand that true love comes when severely affection for man goes

One day, every woman (like each man) understands that in love is not a place to tears, drama, scandals and hysteries. People who love similar emotional swings are difficult to revise their life position. As soon as they manage to understand that neurosis simply does not allow them to live normally and qualitatively, everything will change.

Psychologists say that love ends when one of the partners touches the dignity of the second. Agree, if someone humiliates us, insults or laugh at the fact that it is important for us, then we feel unhappy, no one who is unnecessary and in addition weak. And if the partner does it with you, and you tolerate it, it is unlikely that there is a place for love in a relationship.

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Source photo: pixabay.com 4. Do not be a child

For some, relationships become salvation from loneliness. In psychology they are compared with young children. They, as if kids, all the time demand from their parents evidence of love, but themselves are still unable to show feelings.

Such behavior indicates emotional immaturity. Just someone in a pair tries to drown out the feeling of loneliness, cast an emotional hunger. At the same time, the person does not matter what the result will end with relationships and what a partner will feel.

5. Be the person with whom you want to build relationships

Painful affection, dependence on the partner makes a woman feel as if she could not handle it in this life. She does not know how to be alone with him: it becomes boring and uninteresting. The girl seems to not make sense without a man. Do you know who is subject to such emotions? A person who does not like himself to herself, although he does not recognize this. A girl who does not know how to build relationships with him will be difficult or impossible to build them with others.

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Photo source: pixabay.com

This type of fair sex representatives are ready to fall into depression for any occasion. No matter how hard they try to look strong, successful and loved ones, all around them still feel their dislike.

Do not be dependent on the partner, and only then can you become happy in love! Do not look around for yourself to blame in your own failures. Obschery yourself in your own feelings and to start, adjust the relationship with you. When you are pleased to be in the company's favorite, then the surrounding will change your attitude towards you.

Now you know what to do to become happy in love!

Earlier in the magazine, we also wrote: 8 phrases that every man dreams to hear from a woman

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