Pistachio color in the interior: tone rules


The ability to combine with other paints puts pistachio color to priority among professional designers. The light green tone of immature pistachios takes a worthy place in the interior of any room. The natural nuance of saladovoy does not lose the brightness in any weak lighting, nor with open solar rays.

Juicy pistachio color is quite self-sufficient and does not require bright decorative elements for walls. It is not burdened with emotional load and practically does not have additional nuances. Therefore, the wallpaper of a young foliage in the interior does not change the color palette on a white background or with black furnishings.

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At the same time, the pistachio does not necessarily dominate, it is enough to use the color for curtains, pillows or bedside rugs in the interior, or decorate the vertical surface of the photo in a bright green framework to add a freshness notch.

Combination of colors

Classic combination

Pistachio color with white, beige and creamy is often found in the interior. Fills with air and visually expands the space of the living room or child.

In order to visually lift the ceiling in a small room, for example, in the bathroom, apply a green background with vertical white accents, diluted with details of saturated tones - coral or orange.


They call the company from pistachio and clover-pink, using it in the interior of the living room, bedroom, children's and bathroom. It is interesting for the gamma of young green with turquoise or blue shades. Often designers combine the immaturity of pistachios with shades of coffee with milk or olive.

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Style Fusion

Allows a fantastically harmonious duet: wallpapers in a pistachio-colored room plus textiles or furniture of purple, emerald, burgundy or sapphire roller. The interior is allowed to combine pistachios with chocolate and even black and brown tones.

Tint in functional space

Whether the kitchen is large or small, high or low, spacious or narrowed, the use of pistachio decor will go to the premises of benefit, but more often the use of color is observed in the finishing of the common background and furniture facades.

In the interior of the kitchen space, even the floor, painted in a shade of juicy greens, is allowed, such options are found in the photos of designers.

Professionals love to use Pistachkovo-Gray in a zone for sleep and recreation: bright color for verticals and planes, and muffled color - for decorative elements in the interior.

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In the guest room, the pistachio color looks advantageous if the windows come to the north, refreshing and having evouted the room. But if the designers boldly use rich greens in the interior of different spaces, then the people are solved on bright furniture facades for the kitchen or children's.

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