New rules for accreditation of journalists legalize the arbitrariness of officials - "әdl sөz"


New rules for accreditation of journalists legalize the arbitrariness of officials -

New rules for accreditation of journalists legalize the arbitrariness of officials - "әdl sөz"

Almaty. March 18. KazTag - Madina Alimkhanova. New rules for accreditation of journalists legalize the arbitrariness of officials, the President of the International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of the Words "әl Sөz" Tamara Kaleva believes.

"I think that there will be nothing good from these rules for journalists. That is, now before these rules, officials have already tried to bring their order at press conferences, and journalists were outraged. Now this arbitrariness of officials is legalized by these rules. Now no one can say: "You are carrying out censorship. Why do you interfere with journalists ask questions? Why are you suppressing us? " Now these questions will hang in emptiness, because there will be one answer: the accreditation rules are prescribed, "said Caleev agency Kaztag on Thursday.

At the same time, she drew attention to the fact that the accreditation rules for some reason determine the procedure for holding press conferences.

"Why the accreditation rules include the rules for holding public events themselves - this is a separate big question, which is now too unanswered," she stressed.

As Kaleev noted, the practice of adopting regulatory acts in Kazakhstan does not provide for the coordination of their projects with representatives of civil society.

"I think we have a vicious and lurking civil society system of adoption of laws and other regulatory acts. The project developer is obliged to coordinate this document at the development stage, prior discussion with all government agencies. And without a visa of any ministry, the Committee and the like this project can not go further. But nowhere is not provided for the procedure for compulsory agreement with civil society organizations. Therefore, the Union of Journalists can now shout much now, and the league of judicial reporters may threaten with rallies. This has already changed little. There are, of course, the option to sue the appeal of this act. It would be a serious step. But who will take this? This is still an open question, "she said.

According to Kaleva, new accreditation rules are infringement of journalists' rights.

"But in general, the accreditation rules so that their authors do not speak, as well, will now work to work to journalists, really infringe upon the rights of journalists when collecting information during public events," she concluded.

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