20 readers adme.ru told stories from which all templates split on the seams


We do not know what we know that you should not judge the surrounding in appearance. Nevertheless, getting rid of the shackles of template thinking are not so simple and stereotypes, as if swarm bees, continue to pursue us, forming a distorted opinion about others.

Adme.ru recently published stories about people who smitherens smashed everything cliché, and our readers did not remain aside and told about situations when they themselves witnessed stereotypes.

  • Somehow went to the jewelry store. I stand admiring the decorations on the shop window. A peasant is suitable in the old pants with bubbles on his knees, in the sandals on the boss, all such unsengled, dirty and asks the saleswoman to show the ring with diamonds. Said that she takes - there will be a gift to his daughter for a wedding. I was in knockout! © Tatsyan Turtova / Facebook
  • I work in a children's charitable organization in Ireland. Not so long ago, Babulka came to our central office - God's dandelion with a sports bag on the shoulder. Says: "I worked all my life, I will soon die. No children - left something nephews and herself, and the rest I want to sacrifice the children. I do not trust the banks. I don't want my money to stay with them after my death. " And dropped € 300 thousand cash on the table. Present quietly awesome. © Lina Ianushevych / Facebook
  • I stand somehow in line for Shawarma. Cook tahrachitis with a student, most likely, the Hindu in good English. I'm just fucking! Then he met him, and it turned out that he is a teacher of English. © Goran Montenegro / Facebook

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© blinow61 / Depositphotos

  • I rode somehow in trolleybus, sat near the intelligent uncle. The crowd of boys in the leopard flew, they were expressed and rusted to the entire salon. At the bus stop, we leave the man, and a cheerful puppy rushes under his feet. Uncle Already twisted, he grossly packed the animal. And here this crowd of gopniks fly out. One stopped, a puppy in Kurat hid and said: "Let's go home, my mother will not be against." I will never forget. © Olka Hussar / Facebook
  • Mom accidentally broke the glass sugarian - a family relic. Upset scary! The sugar bowl at least in appearance and arms was, but she was still her mother. And now we are going to the flea market for a new one. Long went, but found. And suddenly I see the scene: sits an elderly man, shaggy, with a uncooked beard, and reads Shakespeare. - Look, - I say daughters. - So what? She asks. - He reads Shakespeare in the script. It was a shock for both. Human life tragedy. © Michael Taptykov / Facebook
  • I work in the cabin manicure, 45 years old. One day, something mood was good, I am going on the reception, and then on the radio: "Y-Hay, Y-Hey, Mosko Kolya ..." - Well, naturally, accompanied by my vocal and fiery dance. Admin's eyes will never forget: "Marina, do you like" Gorky Park "?!" And who does not love them? © Marina Pugovkin / Facebook

  • In the Soviet years, dad and nephew ride from Sochi by car. For some reason, I moved from the curb and stuck. The car is in confusion, and suddenly the car is nearby, there is a very threatening view from there. Our soul in the heels, and they raised the car without a single word and pulled out from the trap. Also, without words, sat in their car and left. © Natalia Clear / Facebook
  • My husband and I are builders. Do not dress "Wow" and "Ah" - things from a second, so as not to be sorry to throw. Received a large amount for work. Husband decided to buy phones. We went to the store almost 20 minutes before closing. All sellers have already relaxed. One approached reluctant type: "What are you here, got to warm up and watch phones?" - and fast twist. We are not offended, just the next seller who approached us, we asked for 2 phone. The guard, when he saw a stack of money that her husband got out of a zamuzanny jacket, said only: "Wow!" And at the first seller, the face was like saleswoman from the film "Beauty" at a similar moment. © Tatyana Kovash / Facebook

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© Faispalm / Adme.ru

  • Recently, in Pyaterochka, they made purchases with my guest from Liverpool. What was my surprise, when the employee of the hall from the near abroad spoke to her in English! It turned out that the guy knows 4 more languages, has 2 higher education and practiced in the States, and moved to Russia because of his beloved girl. Mary Martynovna / Facebook
  • I have a salon hats in the city center. Only opened (it was the beginning of the 2000s), and twin guys were immediately visited - shaved pitching of the formidable type, all in tattoos. We looked and left. Then he clashed several times. I thought: "Why such Bandyugan hats?!" One day they came and made an order. As it turned out, these are very well-known power acrobats, the cute and modest guys. © Lisa Shante / Facebook
  • Were with a girlfriend in Vienna. Located in the Frey Wille jewelry store. Prices there are very high. We are promising, talking to the saleswoman. Suddenly she says: "Now the owner will look - Friedrich Ville!" And here comes a high elderly man. On the bike! Neither your guard or armored limousine. © Yulia Dmitrieva / Facebook
  • During the lunch break, went with a colleague to the store. In the underground transition, two policemen are stopped and asked to show documents. We were surprised: what is? what for? It was only working pass. Showed. They look and asked in shock: "Are you a librarian?!" And we stand, 20-year-old, in summer dresses, on the hairpins, with makeup. They, apparently, thought that librarians were old aunt in glasses and knitted sweaters. © Elizabeth Katina / Facebook

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© Londondeposit / Depositphotos

  • Uncle was walking down the street, heard a wild roar of brakes. It looks at a sharp turn parked Ferrari. I thought that a steep man would come out of him, but the door opened, and a small old woman on the shaking legs got out of the car. © Ksenia Azarova / Facebook
  • In our school worked as a cleaner girl. If something happened to computers, she set off the mop aside and solved the problem before the arrival of the sisadmin. © Victoria Vladimirova / Facebook
  • Once upon a time they were with her husband in Switzerland in the town of Interlaken. I went to have breakfast to one cozy cafe and every day saw an old woman there in some kind of drainsee, torn, gritted gloves and a ridiculous hat. She was sitting at the same table and drank tea. Somewhere a couple of days before our departure, we called the waiter and offered him at our expense to order an old woman breakfast. He looked at us and said: "She is a hostess of this cafe and a whole network of cafes here and in Zurich." That's so. © Daniel Ravid / Facebook
  • One other taxi driver was drunk on the trafficier on the traffic light. I go out of the car evil, anticipating somewhat eliminated hours. I think, there is some kind of puzzled man there, who will now try to work out on me all the famous stereotypes about women drivers. I fell swearing, rolling the sleeves, and there - the boy is God's dandelion: And I admitted my guilt, and the chocolate was treated. © Helen Sights / Facebook

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© Taxi 2 / Arp Sélection

  • In Tbilisi there was a case. There were 3 girls, and local guys were concerned for us. We were not going to start any acquaintances and unequivocally gave it to understand it. They say: "We just want you to show beautiful places so that you love Georgia just like us." As a result, the guys spent us to one of the most beautiful waterfalls in a non-Russian. © Olga Volokhova / Facebook
  • They made repairs in the apartment, and one man put to us a tile. We look at him on him and do not understand: Well, it does not look like a tile, nor on the builder! Asked him a question. He says: "Tomorrow you will tell you everything." Tomorrow came, our tiler comes and brings a violin. We stuck: he turned out to be a musician with brilliant education! On the violin, we played with my mother, we sobbed from delight. © Lika Daragan / Facebook
  • About 12 years ago she flew transit through Moscow, very tired. My daughter was 1.5 years old, and she was a very active child. We sat with her near the airport, and I tried not to fall asleep. On the contrary, a company of workers from near abroad is located. They saw me struggled with sleep. As a result, it was cut down for 20 minutes. I wake up in horror, I think, we absorned, probably before the thread. And the fear of the child is the most terrible. I open my eyes: two are sitting on both sides of me, the daughter is absorbed with the rest on the contrary and nibbles an apple. One of them asks: "Rested?" I nod my head. The guys brought me water and said that they could not leave me so much. © faith deprained / Facebook

And what stereotypes had to destroy you?

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