Oslenic breed

Oslenic breed 11648_1

My mother divided the children born to this light for three breeds: Angel; "From the traits of the rest"; Oslay ...

Author: Polina Zherebtsova, writer and journalist, winner of the international premium. Janusha Korchak, finalist awards. Andrei Sakharov "For journalism as a deed"

Excerpt from the book "Oslay Breed"

My mother divided the children born to this light for three breeds: Angel; "From the traits of the rest"; Oslenic.

To the angelic rock, she ranked meek and obedient boys and girls. They stayed where adults were thrown, who often remembered their offspring at midnight, being in another city. Such kids did not require food with a loud cry, but we asked her finger, imagining that it was a delicious porridge, fatels and were beautiful. They fully owned a reality, these supreme priests of their home-grown chambhala, and the finger did not seem, but was for them maternal breasts or the bowl of porridge.

At night, the Angela slept firmly, they did not even mind waking up because of the wet sheet or a robber blanket and wake up his beloved motley. When mom was sick, they crawled into the kitchen, fed in a whirl and sliders, and brought her tea and sandwiches. Three years from the genus Angela already cleaned the pot of the pot, the dog walked down and cleaned the apartment.

Small scoundrels were found to the breed from the dams of the residue. They, according to Mom, were rushed around the apartment from morning to night, giggling viciously, sneaking all on their way, breaking the furniture, turning Chinese vases and riding wallpaper from the walls. There are asked, disgusting and biting. There were too much too much, then too much cocked, wrote and demanded to change the pants.

If they were punished - and small villains necessarily should have spacked, then they included their most important feature: they were revenge. Moreover, Amestili, as it should be from damages. At first, the parents barely managed to catch them, because the shock kids were able to deftly hide. When lucky smiled with adults and mischievous was punished, it began completely incomprehensible: suddenly the head of unlucky parents jumped from the closet Cat or a vase fell, and sometimes even something right away! Here, then the parents were understood who "Halfed".

The donkey breed was completely different. In this breed in the body of the baby at birth, donkey was treated. He confidently occupied his place, why the baby became unbearable to others. The child was not an angel, like the children of the first breed, although the features of his face could be beautiful, he did not effect, as the dams of the rest, but it was distinguished by three terrible qualities: stubbornness - always and everywhere such a baby insisted on his own; Justice - he marked the slightest mistakes; Freights - no belt could turn him away from the criminal activity of knowledge.

Children of the donkey breed usually get parents either as a heavy test, or for their sins - was sure my mother was confident - and found in nature extremely rare. An adult is doomed in this case - he must try to drive a donkey from his baby. So, the latter needs as often as possible.

Hands or the fact that it will fall under hand, that is, a towel, belt, bucket, lineup, notebooks, pillows, shoes ... It was also allowed to throw in the dawn cups with tea, a plate of soup, and sometimes beat their heads about the wall. Legs. Hoided pinks need to accompany the words: "Oh, tired of the extrude stubbornness!"

All this should be done exclusively for the benefit of native Chad. After all, the Angela could grow good people, the rest of the remnants were chosen the path of robbers and gangsters, but the donkey did not change, he was impossible to be expelled from the kid! Only with the help of chips and landing it was possible to lower the donkey component in consciousness. Therefore, it was necessary to strictly follow such a child and give him laid slaps on time to ever he became a writer or a vagabol-poet.

The donkey, which was confused with "residues"

I was a naughty child, and my mother had difficulty with me. That is why there were time intervals when she ranked me for the second breed of children.

"Here is the traits of the rest!" - Mom's sakelessly shouted every time I tried to pull the cat's tail, trustingly approached me, or "gave back" my newly eaten breakfast.

And if someone from neighbors or relatives spoke, struck by my appearance: "Yes, it is an angel!" - Mom came to indignation and started a detailed story about the breed, which was glad to me.

"Buds! Imagine, bites! And I wanted to slap - so myself hit the closet! What do you think, who is it?! " - And the wrong person quickly retraced the ravis.

Demonic tricks really occupied me. A strange thing - no one does not teach a child to lie. Or steal. No one tells him: "Razdvy ant!" In children, the insurmountable cruelty of knowledge is hidden. So it was in my case. For the first time by breaking the vase in two and a half years, I shouted my head and Zabbnil: "No! Not me! ", - and got a fluffy good-natured cat Ksyusha.

I read a story about the good boy by the name of Volodya Lenin as a child. He broke the Vaza too, but confessed in the deed. Still, the angelic breed was a child.

My breed made itself felt like impossible.

I have already been three years old, and I, I have not done anything like that from one and a half years, wrote into pants. Mom, as it should be spacked me, asked:

- Why didn't you go to the pot?

- I do not want! - Suddenly I said, myself wondered.

- What?! "In my mother's voice, I caught the second portion of the" rewards ", but give up and did not think.

- I played the room.

- And wash, in your opinion, who should? I?!

I had no answer to this, but I was inserted:

- My good game, I built a boat from the leaves, and she sailed in a stream ...

"Award" in the form of a couple of Tumakov was immediately received, and then the mother had a very reasonable question:

- What time is the stream?

After that, I was on my knees in a dark, dark corner, the advantage of which was that, while no one sees, you can pick the wallpaper, imagining that you are a prisoner, and very soon your hand will find a treasure, and you will find freedom.

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