4 simple and important truths about women who are useful to know every man


Many, many I wrote different articles about the relationship of men and women from the point of view of male psychology. And about quarrels, and about children, and about the proximity, and about the fact that you should not seek comfort from other women, and about the distribution of finance.

But the flow of questions and comments never weaken, many men write me different and argue with me, prove their position. And it can be seen that they have their own experience of life, their idea of ​​women. No matter how you argue, we have a different base.

Therefore, I decided to write 4 fundamental truth about women from which I personally pushed. They help me live easier, easier, and most importantly joyful. Even if some conflict or quarrel arises, these truths help me quickly understand so that everyone is good.

They are lower.

4 simple and important truths about women who are useful to know every man 11647_1

1. Women are weaker than men, to them need to be concerned

Physically, women are weaker in many aspects - dimensions, hormones, speed and reaction, it is definitely. Psychologically - there are many debates here - someone says that women are stronger, someone argues, but it does not matter.

It is important that if the stainlessness is stronger than yourself, then the psyche will immediately continue the idea: "If my wife is stronger, she will discern himself and take care of himself. And I will only move the cabinet." From here not far to the divorce, because the man indifferent to the problems will never receive admiration and warmth from his wife.

For me, truth is simple: if I'm the main, then the woman is weaker. It means that it is important to take care of it, help and maintain. And she will definitely respond to reciprocity. But start the first - a man.

2. Demoniating women - direct road to humiliation

When a man says: Women - Du .., all problems from women, women compost brains, women do not know what they want, women create problems, and do not decide, etc. etc. - This is a demonization. Transformation of female in a bitch-demon, which specially spoils life to others.

But it's funny. Somewhere from a woman's problem, somewhere joy. And what otherwise do we have? Similarly, kosychim somewhere, and somewhere well done. Everyone has.

My truth: if you tell yourself and the woman that she called tormented a man, then never build a good relationship. The man will be humiliated and criticized, and then sent. There will be no respect and joy in such a family.

3. If the woman commands and presses in the family, it means that the man himself allowed it

Often, men accuse women in the fact that those begin to command in families, become "men with eggs", cold and gods. Well, the bad news is that women in most cases choose control not just so, but because he was thrown by a man. When he said, "I don't know what to do", "decide myself" or "I don't care."

Simple truth: if you do not command, it means that you yourself allowed it. Return control, and the woman will relax.

4. If the woman is upset, it means that there is a reason

Often, men say: my woman is so nervous, psychic, a lot is angry or crying. Why can't she be calm and judicious? What is her problem? Her problem is that it is counting on support and help from his partner, spouse and men who promised her to help and take care.

If you are so logical and calm, then why not standing with that experiences bring you out of themselves? Rational power and calm should be transmitted to a woman. So sit next to her, disassemble her problems on the shelves and come up with a solution together.

Simple truth: emotions and experiences are not for no reason. Help a woman to figure it out or at least listen and calm her. It is for these women are often grateful most.

Pavel Domrachev

  • Helping men to solve their problems. Hurt, expensive, with a guarantee

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