Dmitry Denisov compared Kaluga security forces with fluffy bunnies and told how he himself participated in protest actions

Dmitry Denisov compared Kaluga security forces with fluffy bunnies and told how he himself participated in protest actions 11646_1

In an interview with Kaluga news, Dmitry Denisov, Dmitry Denisov gave his assessment of the inconsistent shares in the regional center on January 23 and 31.

Denisov said that Kaluga law enforcement officers at these illegal events acted on a "good professional level" and strictly within the law, and participants in shares, especially those who allowed themselves to enforce the laws of violence, according to the mayor, should suffer punishment.

Photo: "Kaluga News"

In addition, Denisov stressed that in order to evaluate the actions of Kaluga law enforcement officers, a comparison should be made and see how police behaves in other countries in such cases. For example, in the Netherlands.

- Have you seen what was in the Netherlands? EuroNews TV channel, which I look at the younger, did not figure out how the demonstrators accelerate there. In addition to the waterballs, they still used dogs, raised them to people, who were killed on the head.

I believe that our law enforcement officers - I watched all the videos, communicated with the police, - like white and fluffy bunnies, acted compared to the same Police of the Netherlands, which are very tough and, I think it is unacceptable, with the use of office dogs detained and beat people Dubinki on the head, "Dmitry Denisov shared his thoughts.

The detention of Kaluga journalists on one of the actions of the mayor called a misunderstanding that did not go beyond the legal field.

- Yes, they (journalists are approx. Ed.) Randomly got under the damn, - he said, "but then this misunderstanding was very quickly discontinued. They got a certificate of media employee - and they immediately let them go. Nothing illegal from law enforcement agencies occurred.

The guys who go to such a stock, Dmitry Denisov advised "studying, to concentrate on the formation of equity capital as future specialists, full and full members of our civil society."

Photo: "Kaluga News"

Also, the Kaluga mayor remembered, as he himself took part in protests.

"I myself participated in protest actions in the 90s," said Denisov. - We supported our teachers who did not pay the earned fee. From the Square of Victory, we walked on Lenin and here (there is a look at the current square. Old bargaining - approx. Ed.) Stood with banners in support of our teachers. The action was authorized, we understood all our responsibility. And really our teachers simply, sorry for the expression, there was nothing.

Recalls, in January in Kaluga - as in many other cities of the country - protests were held in support of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny. Kaluga law enforcement officers behaved, of course, not at all as their Netherlands colleagues, but certain rigidity still distinguished themselves, grabbing and putting in auto plates without the analysis of many present, in particular media representatives.

More detailed reasoning of the urban head of Kaluga Dmitry Denisov on this and other current topics read in a large interview, which the official gave our edition. The first part of the conversation has already been published, the second will come out soon.

Photo: "Kaluga News"

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