16 people who ocked such that the surrounding remains only to blush


As they say, there are in the life of grief. Someone suddenly breaks the most hidden. And someone will spend a bunch of time for trying to escape from the room, which was actually not locked.

We in ADME.ru simply could not leave the history of people who now know about embarrassing situations absolutely all. And even a little more.

  • Yesterday a friend invited to visit himself. There were 2 guys who worked in the same company: one boss, and his second assistant. Related, spoke about the salary, premiums, and so on. And then this chief says: - work well on the remotely: the salary is paid 100%, plus everything is still allowed 20% of sales. His subordinate makes round eyes and asks: - What else is allowed? Hang silence. And it was heard, as the heads of the head creak and how the blood had a slave. © Papazov1 / Pikabu

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© Besterenko / Pikabu

  • A couple of years ago, my friend and I often went to one network cafe. Once I went to the toilet and stuck there. I made my affairs, I tried to open the door and could not. Twisted the castle, he jerked the handle, but the door did not give in. I don't know why I fought so much, being in a sober state at 10 am ... After 10-15 minutes, the girlfriend went down, opened the door and clarified, they say what I stand here. The door just needed to pull on myself, and not push away from myself. It was not no sense to yell and drop on the door of the door, one (not a cabin) and at a distance from the hall, through the corridor. Yes, and it's good that I did not have time to start yelling and came to the girlfriend, and not someone from the staff. © Overheard / IDeer
  • He suddenly jerked into my direction and said loudly: "Girl, stop staring at me, you are not in my taste." Rather, I wanted to say, because after about after "stop" I chosen from the fright: "A-ah, it is alive!" Girlfriend said that after that the boyfriend blushed and ran away. Guys, if a girl looks at you very closely, most likely she forgot the glasses at home and cannot understand why the pillar is so big and stirring. © Chamber № 6 / VK
  • Worked somehow secretary. The Chef had a cabinet carved with wooden panels, with a double entrance door and a good tambour. We appeared with us new chief, which was summoned to the report to the chief. Silence in the office, and then how wild rzhach will begin! She comes out and tells: "Talked with the chief, I got up and came out. I closed the door behind you, I can't find the output! Sheburysha on the walls of his hands, I can not find a handle from the door! Then the door opens and the chef says it's a wardrobe! " For several years remembered. © Julia Laska / Facebook

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© iratalking / Twitter

  • I felt wild awkwardness after my tribe was 13 years old decided to establish my personal life. It almost to all men from my list of contacts wrote: "Hello! I missed!" Okay, guys from work: Prenched and forgotten. But when I called the inspector from Rostekhnadzor ... I thought I could go crazy. And there were a lot of such calls. Well, though people with humor. © Natalia / Adme
  • Last week, I talked with my parents on Skype, and once again flooded the topic of my personal life. And then the father says: "And I have so many women in your years ..." Mom Rzhet, and I polite him politely and clarify that at 31 years he was already married to my mom for 4 years. Awkward pause and silence. I quickly realize all the absurdity of my comment and what it can lead to. Well, I said without thinking. For a week, my mother is not talking to his father. © 9AXD / Pikabu
  • When we were students, took us to potatoes. And there the toilets in a row stood and the doors were not well closed. One girl from the group opened the door, and there is our deputy dean. She was confused and instead of silently turn around and leave, so long so greeted: "Well, Zdra-A-A-Fur." © Mina Mansurov / Facebook

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© Great_Knee / Twitter

  • The husband sometimes forgets to lower the toilet lid. Today in the middle of the night I was woken by a hysterical screech. It turns out that the husband woke up, went to the toilet and without looking sat on the toilet. And from there, something has been tagged. We just have a pribabachant chihuashka live, which loves to climb into the trash, then in an outdoor box and sleep there. And this time climbed into the toilet. The husband about the lid no longer forgets. © Chamber № 6 / VK
  • The sister asked what soup I eat, and I did not know what to answer. After all, just just poured orange juice in a bowl and ate his spoon. © Bluewhale24 / Reddit
  • Yesterday my boyfriend of our Gavrikov walks. They go in a cargo elevator, on the way to them joins a young couple, new neighbors. Girl: "Oh, such cool dogs. We also want such a puppy. How much do you plan to sell? " Guy: "They will be priceless." Girl: "Well, seriously, about how much?" The guy: "Girl, if puppies come from these males, they will be simply unique and absolutely invaluable." © QWERTY.1 / Pikabu

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© QWERTY.1 / Pikabu

  • Brought a courier parcel. Gave, turned around, went to the elevator. And then I see that my dog ​​is already spinning at the elevator, ran into a open door. I am a very strict voice (to increase the degree of impact), he says slowly: "Go home!" The courier turns around, and his eyes are round. © Olga Svweigerte / Facebook
  • It was in the north. Frost, as it should be, is 45 °, and even with the breeze. We drove up to the store with my then cute friend on his gray "Volga". And so I fall out from the store with packages and quickly jump into the car. And I will list the patter that I bought. Like, and that, and this. Uhhh, frozen! Now I will quickly eat in the presence! The car rows, I turn, and there - Mom dear! Alien man! Well, I naturally yell! Like, stop immediately! He slows down and rzhet as persistent. I barely squeezed out: "But what about the bed?" © Victoria Sergeeva-Filippova / Facebook
  • He arrived somehow to visit the former mother-in-law, when we were married to her son. And she is a lady over 150 kg and at the same time a little growth. She decided to splash in the bath. It takes some time calling me. Getting in. Sits in the bath, to get out independently can not: like a walrus on ice, there and here - and in no way. I was at that time thin, there is no strength. And so grab, and Syak - well, no. Stuck. I had to call the neighbors. © Overheard / IDeer

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