How Kazakhstan intends to attract investment


At the meeting of the Investment Staff, chaired by Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mine, there was a course of the implementation of new approaches to attract investments, which were presented at the meeting of the Supreme Council for Reforms under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reports with reference to the site

The National Economy Minister Aset Irgaliyev reported that in order to comprehensively assess the effectiveness of existing investment measures, it is planned to implement the investment rating of the regions.

It will determine the most effective practices for working with investors and stimulate the work of local authorities. The rating consists of 50 indicators based on the information obtained by the survey method, as well as statistical data and expert assessment. The investment rating of the regions and the national investment report is planned to be released in the first quarter of each year. The structure of the National Report within two weeks will be agreed with World Bank experts, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Asian Development Bank. Taking into account the recommendations received by the Institute of Economic Research, together with the NK Kazakhstan Invest JSC, the first issue of the rating and the report for 2020 will be prepared. Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Foreign Affairs Mukhtar Tleuberdi, Chairman of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms - Managing the International Finance Center "Astana" (MFCA) Kairat Kelimbetov and Chairman of the Board of NK Kazakhstan Invest JSC, reported on the order of work of the Special Team Task Force From experts of the Unit of MFCA Business Connect and NK Kazakh Invest JSC. At the suggestion of the Ministry of Commerce and Integrations, this team will also include representatives of the QAZTRADE Trade Policy Center for Development Center. Task Force will perform a unified negotiator from the government with foreign investors, to form projects of strategic investment agreements, to engage in the work on investment projects. Central state and local executive bodies, quasi-state actors, accompany investors after solving the investment before operating activities.

How Kazakhstan intends to attract investment 11638_1

The Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Babut Atambulov noted that in 2021-2025 in industry, the construction industry, the transport sector, subsoil use and the defense and industrial complex it is planned to implement 819 projects for the total amount of 17.6 trillion TG of private investment. For the current year, the target investment in fixed assets is set in the amount of 6 trillion tenge. Chairman of the Board of the NK KazMunaiGas JSC Alik Aidarbayev reported that the company's investment portfolio contains 57 projects for a total of 58.1 trillion TG. The issues of implementing such investment projects for subsoil use on the Caspian shelf, like Abai, Isatai, Groom, Al-Farabi, Kalamkas-Sea, Khazar and Muchhaskoe. This year it is planned to complete the investment projects of the reverse as part of the construction of the Kazakhstan-China oil pipeline, the construction and modification of self-lifting floating drilling rig in the Absheron and Babek fields in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, the gasification of Almaty, the development of the retail network in the Black Sea region, the construction of the installation of compressed air production For the needs of KPI and others. Akim G. Nur-Sultan Altai Kulginov noted that the up to the next 5 years was formed a pool of 125 projects for the total amount of 2 trillion TS investments with the creation of 18 thousand new workplaces in industry, trade and logistics, the construction industry , electric power, education, medicine and sports. From the beginning, t. G. There is an increase in investment by 16.4%. In total, this year is planned to attract 1.26 trillion TG investment in the fixed capital of the capital. The Deputy Akim of the Almaty Oblast Serik Turdaliyev reported that in the next five years in the region it is planned to implement 150 projects worth more than 1.7 trillion TG in industries such as engineering, building materials manufacturing, agriculture, fish farming, food production, MMC, logistics , renewable energy, etc. This year in the region is planned to attract 453 billion tg of investment.

"To restore business activity and further high-quality growth in the economy, it is necessary to conduct systematic work on attracting internal and external investments," said A. Mamin.

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