How to grow grapes from a sapling?

How to grow grapes from a sapling? 11637_1
K. P. Bryullov, "Italian noon (Italian, shooting grapes)" (fragment), 1827 Photo:

Growing grapes has already ceased to be the prerogative of southern regions. Breeders were able to bring grade, withstanding and more severe climate, and to develop agrotechnical cultivation of grapes in various conditions.

Acquired in the autumn period, cuttings and grape seedlings need to create optimal conditions for wintering. Bringing the cuttings home, they should be soaked in fresh water having a room temperature, for 24-48 hours. After that, the seating material is recommended to hermetically packaged in polyethylene sachets and store at the bottom of the refrigerator. Large packs, the dimensions of which do not allow stored in the refrigerator, are placed in a basement or cellar, where the temperature is kept in the range from 0 to + 4 ° C.

Under these conditions, the landing material must be kept until the end of January, the beginning of February. At this time, they should be taken out of shelter and prepare for landing in room conditions. Saplings are washed in a weak solution of manganese, put in fresh water temperature for 12 hours.

Before stratification sections of the lower ends of the cuttings, it is necessary to refresh the sharp knife by 5-10 mm below the lower eye. On each cutting should remain 2 top eyes. In the lower intercouss of the cutlets, it is recommended to make two furrows with a sharp narrow blade.

How to grow grapes from a sapling? 11637_2
Vincent Van Gogh, "Red Vineyards in Arles. MONMAZHOR ", 1888 Photo:

After completing the preset preparation, the seedlings are placed on stratification into long polyethylene packages. It should not be tied up. In this form, the seedlings are stored at a temperature of from 22 to 25 ° C. Lighting should be sufficient as in a regular room. 3-4 times film packaging open and leave for a while for air exchange. If the seedling surface turns out to be frying, it should be moistened, for example, by spraying with water.

The start of the formation of the roots will be noticeably about 3 weeks: on the bottom of the cuttings is formed by a gray-white influx with point tubercles - the shortcomings of new roots. The upper 2 eyes are green, they can start appearing shoots. The cuttings with the described signs of vegetation began to plant in small pots for seedlings - cardboard, plastic or polyethylene, the height of which should be about 30 cm, and the diameter is up to 10 cm. Planting should be carried out carefully, so as not to break the young roots.

In the capacity, the soil mixture is poured into a depth of 4-5 cm, it is slightly seal, placed in it with a stalk and fall asleep as the same mixture, then watered with warm water.

  • The optimal composition of the soil mixture for planting grape cuttings: 1 part of the turf or forest soil, is quite fertile, 1 part of humus and 1 part of coarse sand.

It is quite effective, moreover, a mixture of fertile soil, coarse sand and sifted wood sawdust in an equal ratio.

How to grow grapes from a sapling? 11637_3
K. P. Bryullov, "Vintage Holiday", 1827 Photo:

Watering seedlings growing at home, it is necessary as necessary: ​​approximately once a week in January, February and March and 1 time in 5 days in April and May before landing for a permanent place. Approximately a week before landing in the soil, seedlings are recommended to begin gradually prepare for the conditions of the external environment.

Such preset preparation is quite effective: the cuttings apartment grown in winter greenhouse or conditions are rooted in a very large percentage of cases and give the transfers to the ground (at the end of May) a good powerful increase.

Author - Ekaterina Majorova

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