Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey

Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey 11615_1

What many happened that many simply did not believe: Megan Markle is the former star of the TV show "Force Majer", and now the wife of Prince Harry - gave a deployed two-hour interview with Opro Winfrey.

Despite the fact that the formal reason was the desire of the pair to protect himself from the attacks of tabloids and explain a number of unpleasant situations provoked scandals within the royal family, the conversation made the effect of a broken bomb. The Buckingham Palace is unlikely to remember something similar since the death of the princess Diana, and it is still unclear what damage the behavior of the Dukes of Susseki will apply to the British monarchy. Already, a few hours after the interview itself - social networks literally go crazy, discussing the most piquant moments of broadcasts: for example, the recognition of Megan about the fact that they have played a "secret wedding" with Harry for three days before the official ceremony (otherwise , about 30 million pounds of British taxpayers were spent on fiction!), Or her statement that the "firm" (so Megan calls the palace) was in full concerned, "how dark will be the skin of our son Archie."

Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey 11615_2

Megan reported that life in the UK was a real test for her. Moreover, the pressure under which she was constantly, led her to thought ... about suicide. "I performed everything that I needed from me," says Oplan, "but at some point I realized that no one was ready to support me. They could lie to protect other family members, but did not want to tell the truth when it was necessary to protect me. " Obviously, the Duchess hints at the situation with Prince Andrew, who is accused of friendship with Jeffrey Epstein - by the trader of people and the sexual criminal. Despite numerous evidence of the connection between the prince and the American financier, the Royal Family has not yet begun the investigation, while against Megan Oars instantly initiated the case of its possible mockery of the Palace staff.

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Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey 11615_4
Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey 11615_5

According to Duchess, attacks of the press, as well as the reluctance of the "firms" to enter into it, led to the fact that she began to think about suicide. Megan turned to help to the palace and asked to find a psychotherapist to her, but she was answered that it was impossible, because "will not benefit the institution." At the same time, he emphasizes Megan, the thoughts of suicide were real, and she asked Harry "not to leave her one." Harry himself also suffered from increased anxiety and panic attacks. As a result, the couple decided on a frank conversation with the royal family. "I'm sorry that the situation has taken such a turn, but it was necessary to take something to protect my mental health, the health of his wife, and in the future - and the health of Archi, because I have ever seen what all this is,", "Harry stressed .

Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey 11615_6

One of the most acute interviews is anxiety of someone from family members (nor Megan, nor Harry is called, whom exactly, since - quoting - "It can cause great harm") about the color of the skin of their firstborn. "It was about how dark it will be his skin?", - clarified opra. "Potentially, yes," answered Oplan. "And also about how it all will look and what will mean." The duchess also stated that he was shocked by the words of the monarchy representatives that their first-mentioned Archie - will not be awarded the title of Prince and will not receive protection. "Do you think this is connected with his origin?" Asked Winfrey. Megan's response does not leave doubts about her position: "The idea that our son is in danger, as well as the fact that the first color member in this family will not receive the same title as other grandchildren ... Why?"

Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey 11615_7

Help: Archie - the seventh in line at the British throne. According to the regulation of the preclosure, established more than a hundred years ago, he has no right to be called a prince or his royal highness, and could apply for this title only after joining the prince of Charles to the throne. As Harry's firstborn, Archie could become a Count Dambarton or to be Lord Archie Mountbetten-Windsor, but the couple decided to abandon the title of courtesy for his son, thus expressing the desire to bring up as a private person.

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Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey 11615_9

Speaking of children, a couple also declassified the floor of their future child - it will be a girl! "Have a child - one or two are just wonderful. But when is your boy first, then a girl, what else to wish? We are a family, we will be four, and even dogs, "shared the joyful news of Harry. Spouses noted that they intend to stop and no longer make children.

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Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey 11615_11

Among the shocking recognition is Harry's conflict with his father. According to him, before going out of the family, the Prince had several meetings with their relatives, and after one of them, Charles asked the Son to go to communication in email and no longer call him. To Winfrey's question about why the father does not talk to him, Harry replied that this is because he, Harry, decided to "take a matter of his hands": "I lived in the Western, not even knowing about it. Like my father and my brother. I really sympathize with them. " Duke Sasseksky also believes that his mother, Princess Diana, would be "upset and evil" because of everything that happened to his family, but ultimately she would wish them "only happiness" and would have understood them with Megan.

Celebrity, infoensors and leaders of opinions are already commenting on this interview. It remains only to guess, what will be the answer of the royal family and, most importantly, will the British affect this answer?

Thoughts about suicide, a secret wedding and a clear racism in the Royal Family of the UK: Megan Owl Opels Opera Winfrey 11615_12

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