Experts called dangerous diet


Experts called dangerous diet 11593_1

Experts called the most dangerous adult human and child diet. We are talking about separate nutrition, macrobiotics and vegetarianism.

The most common diet in the world is a vegetarian, which implies a refusal of meat and, in some cases, from all food of animal origin, including milk and eggs. Nutritionists from all over the world are still arguing about the dangers and benefits of such restrictions, but doctors agree that it does not introduce anything good for the digestive system. Animal fats and proteins are necessary for the body for normal functioning and, if an adult can still survive the decline in the substances obtained, then in childhood vegetarianism can lead to violations of the development and diseases of the digestive tract. As a result, the rejection of meat and fish leads to the washing of calcium from the bones, the lack of vitamin B12 and the vitamins of the group A and D.

Separate meals are also not a good solution when choosing a diet. It implies compliance with a clear diet and attentive study of products that can be mixed with each other. A detrimental impact of such a diet will immediately give himself felt. The human body already with mother's milk absorbs various substances and tears to recycle any food in any combination. At the same time, there are no exceptionally "clean" food products exclusively (with the exception of honey), which would not contain other substances. Thus, a separate diet is only a myth and leads to the depletion of the body due to the decrease in the overall calorie content of the dishes.

At the end of the list there is macrobiotics, which implies the correct combination of not only products, but also their quantities. From this "teaching", experts recommend emphasizing that food needs to be carefully checked up to 50 times, and in the rest of the use of dosing and separation of products. In childhood, this can lead to dystrophy and disruption of digestion. At the top of Macrobiotics lying food with one rice only, and this will lead to dangerous exhaustion of the body and avitaminosis.

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