From total control to hand-drawing: 5 star male tyrants

From total control to hand-drawing: 5 star male tyrants 11585_1

Folk wisdom reads: "Beats means loves." But here you can argue! When a man in a pair is engaged in manual design, it characterizes it not from the best side. Many women become victims and for certain reasons cannot escape from such a husband. But those who respect themselves first of all run away from such tyrants away.

And the star men did not bypassed such a fate. In public, they are approximate family mans, just ideal men who dream of many fans are dreaming. But there, behind the door of the house, they seem to be replaced. They beat their beloved, threaten violent, humiliate verbally, quarrel and show a disrespectful attitude towards their women.

Today in the journal we also present to your attention 5 star men tyrants

Who are they? Perhaps among them there are those creativity and the talent of which you admired, but as men they turned out to be weaklings, because only a man can offend a woman.

Alexander Domogarov
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"Gangster Petersburg", "Countess de Monsoro", "Turkish March". Domogarova got the main roles in these films, where he played almost an ideal man. But who would have thought that the actor is just an explosive, and he does not know how to control his emotions at all. This also says the number of wives who ran from her husband-tyrant one for one.

So the third wife of Domogarov Actress Natalia Gromushkina after the divorce confessed how her husband beat her, and what passions were boiled in their star family.

With the actress Marina Alexandrova Domogarov lived two years. She never complained about her husband, but at the same time he appeared in public with new bruises. And after the domogarov left, admitted that they were not everything smoothly.

Alexey Gablovich
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The director of the documentary genre, the son of the playwright Evgenia Gablovich was still the revision and tyrant. In the youth, Gablovich built relations with Margarita Terekhova, which at that time was still a student and studied at the last year of the Theater Institute. But Gablovich's parents took her to her house as a daughter-in-law and future son's son. They treated her very moisturizing. What you can not say about their son.

Once Terekhov collected his belongings and left the house of Gablovich. As later she confessed to his close girlfriend due to the fact that Gablovich raised her hand on her, and she did not tolerate such an attitude towards him.

And the first official wife of the director became the actress Tatyana Bestaeva. The husband was very jealous to his wife. At first, the Besalee is such a husband's behavior just stolen, as he inspired actress that he had only because of great love. But when he rolled the scandal about the pregnancy of his wife, suspecting her in treason, the patience of the actress burst. She made an abortion and left her husband-tyrant.

Alexander Kerzhakov
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The famous football player had three wives - two official and one civilian, none of whom told about the causes of parting with a football player. And only Milan Tulipov decided to reveal the mystery and tell about her relationship with Kerzhakov.

The girl was at the football player as a slave. He did not allow her to leave the house, see his friends, tell them about his personal life. And he also left the veto to make the girl asked him questions to which he would not want to answer.

The scandals in the house were the usual phenomenon, cost only the spouse to go beyond the threshold. And one day, Tulipov took the phone of the spouse in his hands, for which he was beaten notable. Even the birth of the Son did not improve the relationship between Tulip and Kerzhakov. And immediately after the death of the father of Tulipanova, who was a famous businessman and senator part-time, the footballer turned the life of a girl in the daytime hell.

And then the patience of Milan burst, and she did not tolerate the constant beatings and mockery of her husband. After the divorce Kerzhakov wanted to sue the former spouse of their common child. But thanks to the old connections of the Father Tulipanova, he could not do it.

Vladimir Yaglych
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The beloved, and later the wife of the actor Vladimir Jaglycha became the Russian actress Svetlana Khodchenkova. Another couple was just beginning to build Rotchenkov's relationship, with the words of their common friends, "caught every word" of his chosen one. And after the actors aroused their relationship, the actress began to show independence in making decisions.

The actor did not like the shooting of his wife in frank scenes of films. But for Hodchenko, creativity has always stood in the first place. In this soil, disagreements and conflicts have become increasingly in a pair. Quarrels led to the divorce so that both noted, they "did not kill each other."

Pavel Priluchny
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Young, beautiful, successful, two kids seemed to be from the part that the Union of Agatha Moting and Paul in addition to primarily perfect. And there was no reason to doubt it. But, as it turned out, the incense house is still that tyrant. He allowed himself a manual attack and insult to the hands of his wife. The first quarrels in the star couple began in 2019. Then, in one day, the pair so loudly found out the relationship that the neighbor in fear caused the police.

The application for Muga Agata did not write, prags him and children. But this all did not end. A year later, the couple divided due to frequent priviless. And only after the divorce, the Metzing admitted how she lived with her husband-tyrant. It turns out that he offended not only his wife, and the children.

So one day Agata painted her daughter's birthday hair, making colored strands. Probably did not like it. He immediately repainted her daughter's hair.

Looking at the actress now, it can be said that the divorce externally changed the actress and helped her to become more beautiful.

Would you be to endure a male-tyrant next to you?

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