Top 10 best grills


A lot of dishes are prepared on grills for grill: kebab, shawarma, vegetables, fish. Dishes are obtained with bright and rich taste. Due to the large space and fixation of the lattice at the required distance, the knocker is performed evenly.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

The modern market there are models of various sizes, forms, appointments and costs. There are also universal options, but not all of them have good quality. Therefore, before purchasing you need to have an idea of ​​the best materials and forms to properly determine the choice.

Characteristics of materials

The final cost of the lattice depends on the quality of the material from which it is made. Today there are on sale:

  • Iron. Such lattices are distinguished by a small price, but quickly wear out, since over time they burn. Also, these models are prone to the corrosion process. Therefore, immediately after use, they need to be pretty rinse with a special tool and dry. The means that is used when cleaning should not contain acids, since iron is capable of oxidizing.
  • Cast iron. Such models have high corrosion resistance and reliability. If the user has a stationary oven, it is advisable to choose this model. Over time, the grille is impregnated with sections of meat, vegetables do not stick to it, and the frying is uniformly. Cast iron models are not recommended to apply on the grill due to their large mass.
  • Stainless steel. Excellent option for vacationers in nature. The grille is easily washed, durable, has a small mass. Thanks to this characteristic, it can be taken on nature or apply at home. He has a minus - quickly loses his shine due to a thin coating.

Lattice shape

There are 4 forms of lattices that are used for different products:
  • Rectangular are universal models made for cooking, also casserole. Apply for uniform frying products.
  • Flat are used to prepare steaks from meat or fish.
  • Extralen serve to prepare pickled meat or baking mushrooms in large volumes.
  • Grids with recessed use for uniform roasters of vegetables.

Designs differ not only in shape, but also handles. When choosing, you need to pay attention to them: they must be comfortable. Pens mostly wooden to not heated. There are lattices with two handles for easy removal of the upper part.

Designs with removable handles are used for picnics. During the installation of the grid on the grill, the handle is removed, and when products need to be turned over or removal - put on. Dignity is a long term of use, as they constantly do not heat up.

Grate dimensions depend on its purpose. Large grids are used to roasted large pieces of meat, and for baked vegetables it is desirable to acquire models with small holes to eliminate the possibility of penetrating the product into the fire.

Distinguish one-sided or double-sided lattice. When using one-way, you need to independently follow when cooking for each piece and in need of turning out products for uniform roasted. Double-sided structures are mainly used for picnics and fast food preparation.

After selecting the lattice in form and destination, it is necessary to focus on its size. For a large public institution, it is advised to acquire large lattices so that you can simultaneously fry the necessary products. In the absence of such a requirement, the universal grid will be the best solution. Its dimensions are ideal for rooting 3-4 serving meat.

The choice of material is a difficult process, since it all depends on the terms of use. Good quality and long-term exploitation are of cast iron models with a worthy price, but they are used only for a stationary barbecue. For mangala, it is recommended to choose a stainless steel grid, and in some cases - iron.

You also need to pay attention to the depth of the lattice. For example, flat are used mainly for meat, and deep - for chicken or vegetables.

Excellent model that is used for barbecue or mangala. The grille has special departments where you can put buns or mince. Heating is uniformly. The model is designed for 4 servings.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

Ergonomic handle, wooden and not heated with frying. The body is made of stainless steel, does not have a protective layer, which is why there is a slight inconvenience when used.

  • reliable design;
  • high-quality model;
  • ease of care;
  • can be used for 4 large portions;
  • Ergonomic.
  • not detected.
Diolex DX-G1911-B

A reliable steel grid treated with a chrome layer, thanks to which the cutlets and bokers are easily removed from the grille. Cutlets are smooth and the same form, which also applies to the advantages of the model. Long wood handle increases ergonomics.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

Disassembly is carried out easily, which contributes to ease of care. During cooking, the possibility of spontaneous opening of the lattice is minimal. With frying, lubricating grille with oil or fat is not worth it. The model is made of reliable, environmentally friendly materials that are absolutely safe for health.

  • Little weight is 300 g;
  • reliable coating;
  • Comfortable length;
  • High quality material.
  • not detected.
ROYALGRILL 6 sections 80-032

Bilateral product with fireproof rings, which is designed for the preparation of a boiler for hamburgers. Material of the main part of the product - stainless steel. The wood handle does not heat up during frying, which increases reliability.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

Turn over the grille easily. Her Weight - 720 Has an original appearance, which will last for a long time if the grille care is correct. The locking element has a high-quality execution, therefore, the probability of the disclosure is small.

  • quality;
  • duration of operation;
  • reliable material;
  • Comfortable handle.
  • not detected.

Best Models for Meat Frying

Grillkoff 212 for meat, 35x23 cm

Comfortable grid and high-quality handle are the main advantages of this product. In the material there is no chromium and nickel compounds. The outer part is covered with food linen oil, which increases the duration of operation.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

Cons models - a tendency to rust. For this reason, careful care is needed to prevent the corrosion process. There is no protective layer, but when he is frying meat, it is not very necessary.

  • without chromium and nickel;
  • affordable cost;
  • Uniform temperature distribution.
  • comfort.
  • no non-stick layer;
  • Quick rust.
Maclay grill grill for meat

A high-quality model treated with a non-stick layer. The product is made of stainless steel and retains quality for a long time. Due to the optimal sizes, you can simultaneously prepare several steaks.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

Double-sided lattice, which contributes to the dense fit of meat. The design is equipped with a comfortable wooden handle. An extended form helps to easily turn the product, while the retainer does not move aside that it does not allow a random discovery.

  • strength;
  • reliability of the retainer;
  • comfort;
  • Optimal dimensions.
  • expensive.

A comfortable device that has a small mass and reliable execution. The model is covered with food enamel 0.2 mm thick. Used on a grill or barbecue. Equipped with a large locking ring, providing maximum adjacent meat to the grid.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

Wooden handle will not allow burns on the skin. An extended part helps keep the lattice with two hands, which increases ergonomics. The greatest height is 20 mm. Despite the fact that the protective layer is not provided, the products do not stick to the lattice.

  • reliable material;
  • quality;
  • no deformation;
  • Original design.
  • The wooden part of the handle is short.

Inexpensive product that is suitable for rare use. The grille has a high-quality execution, but over time exposed deformation, especially if you load it with heavy slices.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

The handle complies with standards. Fixing products maximum. Reveals without difficulty.

  • excellent fixation;
  • comfort;
  • Can be used for mangala.
  • It is difficult to wash off;
  • Easily exposed deformation.
Forester Volumetric Small 26x20

Excellent solution for roasted meat or bird. The height is configured (up to 4 cm), which is convenient for the treated of a large steak. It is made of stainless steel guaranteeing rust protection.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

A mustache contribute to excellent fixation on a barbecue or mangale. The ring-retainer of excellent quality will not allow the fallout of meat.

  • excellent protective coating;
  • comfort to use;
  • adjustable height;
  • Comfortable retaining ring.
  • No detected.

Overview of the best models for baking vegetables

Palisad 69563 Brazier

An excellent solution that will help to cook any products in the minimum time. The protective layer of the grid does not allow sticking of vegetables. Due to the folding handle, the duration of use increases (not heated).

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

The design is made of high quality material, which is easily mounted and does not need special conditions of content. The height of the lattice is 40 mm.

  • folding handle;
  • Excellent price / quality ratio;
  • protective layer;
  • High-quality design.
  • No detected.

Excellent grill made of carbon steel. The heated surface evenly distributes heat, perfectly baked products. The model has excellent sustainability, which helps to put even a teapot or a saucepan.

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Top 10 best grills for Grill Natalia

Comfortable handles make it easier for the products and help to turn the grille on time. Handles - durable, wooden, on top there is a corporate logo. The grille does not need special care, enough cleaning detergent and proper storage. With frequent operation, it will last for more than one year.

  • The design material ensures the duration of use;
  • The protective coating does not allow adhesion;
  • inexpensive;
  • Ergonomic handles, thanks to which it is easy to turn the model;
  • The quality and strength of the design (the ability to put the kettle).
  • No detected.


To properly select a barbecue grill or grill, you need to deal with the appointment. Universal models are suitable for a variety of tasks, but most of these lattices quickly fail. If you have already had similar models described in the article, or others, write about it in the comments. Your feedback will help someone choose the correct option. Thanks for the feedback!

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