Huawei, how are you not ashamed? Beta Harmony OS turned out to be converted android


Harmony OS. How much hope in this word. Hope to the cardinal changes and a new world in which there is no place of Android monopoly, despite the fact that Huawei said from the very beginning that it does not plan to replace Android and expects to simply offer to users alternative. As it correlates with the real position of things, it was not very clear, given that Google closed Huawei access to his OS. But we early began to rejoice, seeing the beta version of Harmony OS, because in fact she turned out to be converted android.

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Harmony OS differs from EMUI even less than it seemed

What Huawei smartphones will receive Harmony OS. Full list

The current beta version of Harmony OS 2.0 for smartphones was based on Android Open Source Project (AOSP). If you do not know what AOSP is, then you know that this is the original version of the Android friend, but devoid of Google services, which Huawei and other manufacturers are used in their shells.

Apps for Harmony OS

The fact that the Test Assembly Harmony OS 2.0 uses Android, the developers told. One of them created a pacifier application to check the nature of the operating system. Its launch provoked a mistake, but it was necessary to developer. The fact is that the error that Android and Harmony OS was issued was almost identical.

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Left - Android, Right - Harmony OS

The only difference between the content of errors that demonstrates the application on each of the platforms is the name of this platform itself. In the first case, Android is used, and in the second Harmony OS. That is, the complete impression is that the developers of Huawei simply replaced the name and that's it.

Huawei wants to update his smartphones to Android 11 instead of Harmony OS

The second proof is that Huawei uses Android under the guise of Harmony OS, brought another developer. He tried to install the SuperUser app on Harmony OS, which uses lovers to prepare firmware based on Android. The application is not just established without any problems that in general did not cause surprise, but also discovered access to the ADB tool (Android Debug Bridge), which in Harmony OS could not be simply.

What's wrong with Harmony OS

However, the developers from the XDA team say that it is too early to make any conclusions. It is possible that the whole thing is that Huawei thus wants to facilitate the transition from Android on Harmony OS. That is, its own operating system, built on the AOSP base, can become a kind of intermediate stage, ensuring a smoother and seamless transition.

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Harmony OS in the current form can not be referred to as the Huawei Operation

Another thing is that Huawei at the presentation did not mention what the Android Open Source Project will use. After all, if so, it turns out that we have not yet seen the real Harmony OS, which means that we cannot be sure that it really exists. In the end, Huawei could warn in advance what plans to use Android as an adapter.

Huawei told how Harmony OS will change to release

Consequently, the output in the current situation can only be two. The first - Huawei did not master to make his operating system. The second - Huawei just became ashamed to admit that it could not provide the transition between platforms without Android. Both are inconvenient. But if the reason is the inability of Huawei to fulfill this promise, it will be a real shame, from which not to wash.

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