Black currant can be sweet: varieties - selection of gardeners


Good afternoon, my reader. Black currant is grown in each middle lane in the household. Fragrant fruits contains vitamins of groups with in high concentration, pectins, organic acids and have an optimal mineral composition. Gardeners try to preserve the unique taste and aroma of berries in juices, jams, jams and tinctures.

Black currant can be sweet: varieties - selection of gardeners 11572_1
Black currant can be sweet: varieties - selection of gardeners Maria Verbilkova

Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©

The high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) should give smorodine sour taste, but some varieties have pronounced sweetness.


Berries of this variety may contain up to 10.8% sugar. Plants are not sensitive to frost and arid climate, which makes it possible to cultivate them in all climatic zones. Plants reach 1.2-1.5 m, form a thick crown of medium spreadiness.

Berries of rounded shape, weight 1.5-1.7 g, color iso-black, the taste of sour-sweet. You can take the berries in the second decade of July. Each bush is able to give 3.5-4 kg of currant. Berries are suitable for transportation, stored in fresh form from 14 to 21 days.

Green smoky

The percentage of sugar is average - 10.1%, can reach as much as 12%. Bushes winter without problems. At the height of the plant reaches from 1.3 to 1.5 m, the sprawl of the bushes is weak.

The ripening time of fruits - mid-July. The weight of berries from 1.2 to 1.6 g, rounded shape, black. From one plant you can get 4-5 kg ​​of berries. Store fresh berries can 12-16 days. Sugar berries are harvested in the form of jam, jelly or jam.

Black currant can be sweet: varieties - selection of gardeners 11572_2
Black currant can be sweet: varieties - selection of gardeners Maria Verbilkova

Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©


The variety does not have records by the number of sugars, but he has a lot of fans. The height of the bushes do not exceed 1-1.2 m, spread. Plants are well adelected both frosty and dry periods, resistant to fungal infections.

Black paint berries, rounded, sweet, fragrant, weight - 3-5 g. The yield ranges from 2.5 to 3 kg of berries from the plant. The berries are growing together, do not deteriorate when transporting and saved from 18 to 24 days.


The currant berries of this species contain not only a lot of fructose (up to 11%), but also a solid amount of vitamin C. In berries there is 180-270 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of raw materials, which is 2-3 daily norms for an adult. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and is not susceptible to mildew.

Bushes reach a height of 1.2-1.5 m, thick crown branches from the root.

You can collect mature berries in the first days of July. The weight of berries from 2 to 4 g, the diameter is up to 1.3 cm. It is noteworthy that all the fruits are the same in size. Each bush can bring 3-5 kg ​​of berries. Vintage can not be transported and stored. Berries can lie only 10-12 days.

An excellent pupil

The ripe fruits contain 11.1% sugar, which provided a variety of places among the leaders in sweets.

Black currant can be sweet: varieties - selection of gardeners 11572_3
Black currant can be sweet: varieties - selection of gardeners Maria Verbilkova

Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©

Plants reach a height of 1.5-1.8 m, branched, crown thick. The resistance of frosts is medium, resistant to frosts in spring. Resistance to infections and parasites average.


The variety is very resistant to environmental conditions, which made it one of the most common. Resistance to infections average. Plants reach a height of 1.3 to 1.5 m. Bushes of direct shape with a small crown.

Vintage can be collected in early July. The weight of the berry is 2-4 g, black, to taste resemble grapes. The variety of medium yields - 2-3 kg from the bush. Stored fruit 12-16 days.


The sort of Swedish breeders is derived, first of all, for the northern regions, but it feels well and in arid periods. Plants are resistant to mildew, anthracnose and budding. Krone reaches a height of 1.2-1.5 m. The spreadability is weak.

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