The State Duma was offered to make a passage for children under 16 free

The State Duma was offered to make a passage for children under 16 free 11565_1

It would be a logical step, because the law was recently adopted to land from transport of short-footers to 16 years.

This is how the deputy chairman of the Committee on Education Maxim Zaitsev and explains its initiative, which will soon be considered in the State Duma. In most factions of the State Duma, the bill is ready to support, found out Izvestia.

Today in urban transport, free travel is allowed to children under 7 years old. It is clear that there are various benefits (travel for schoolchildren and students), but the controllers in transport that and it requires to make the appropriate papers, and the passage is still not completely free.

Now a ticketless child is no longer planted, and some find out that the adopted law provokes on violations: it seems like the passage you need to pay, but you can not do this - not the most correct strategy for the upbringing of youth.

In the document, which will now be considered in the State Duma, it is said that the transportation of passengers between the ages of 7 to 16 will have to be carried out according to the "Free Unified Travel Document" with the right to commit an unlimited number of trips. That is, in fact this is a new category of social cards. Compensate the drop-down income of public transport is offered from the federal budget.

At the same time, some experts relate to the proposal skeptical. "This is absolute populism, so-called nonsense benefits. A reasonable social support system works not on the basis of age or type of activity, but is based on the need of specific families. In hundreds of thousands of prosperous families, parents will be able to pay for the passage of their child, "says the director of the Institute of Transport and Transport Policy and Transport Policy, HSE and the Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Transport Mikhail Blinkin.

Obviously, in the case of the introduction of the law, the audience of land transport is noticeably rejected (there is a stereotype that buses and trams for the elderly). We will start to deliver across schools, and there already to special school electrics nearby.


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