"I felt poisoned" - Kate Winslet told about the life after Titanic


Recently, a well-known actress admitted that it was absolutely not happy about how popular was hit on her after filming

. The whole world was spoken of MiG-famous Leonardo di Kaprio and Kate Winslet, the actors became a global stars.

Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet, photo: artfile.ru

The filming in the film was the debut for a Winslet, so it shocked that after the premiere of the picture behind it began to walk on the heels of journalists. They waited for her in the most unexpected places and discussed every word she said.

"I remember the car with the paparazzi, who pursued me near the newspaper kiosks and the supermarket, where I bought milk. It was strange. I felt that I was constantly under the magnifying glass. The British press ruthlessly criticized me. I felt poisoned and hoped that everything would soon end, "

- Remembers the actress.

Kate Winslet, photo: dujour.com

Then Kate realized that he did not want such mad popularity and all this was not for her. The actress specifically did not agree to the roles in the films of famous directors, rejecting numerous offers. For a while she completely disappeared from the screens.

"This experience made me see the opposite side of fame and demand. I was definitely not ready for them. I was at the very beginning of the acting path and felt that I do not want to take part in large Hollywood projects. I planned to quietly learn from my mistakes and failures. I wanted to gradually know the acting craft, and save my life and normal self-esteem ",

- Star shared.

Kate Winslet remained unhappy with his role in Titanic. The image of the main heroine seemed too romantic.

Earlier, we wrote about actors that could not get along with one shooting area due to long-time conflicts and refuse to work together. The actor Dmitry Orlov was openly admitted that he lost his family because of a detrimental habit. Alexey Panin also abuses alcohol, colleagues on the shop condemned his immoral behavior after the death of the mother, and he in response "passed" for every offender.

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