How to bake a air charlotte? Little secret of successful baking

How to bake a air charlotte? Little secret of successful baking 11537_1
How to bake a air charlotte? Little secret of successful baking photo: withgod,

You noticed the paradox: With all the uncomfortableness of the recipe for traditional charlotte (3-5 apples, 3 eggs, 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of flour) It turns out for everyone in different ways? The unscientific study of this paradox led to the conclusion: the secret of the air quoted is not at all in the products and not in the ability to prepare, but in small tricks.

I was able to perform a charlotte in different kitchens, in different states, with a support group and without it ... Charpets are turned out to be air always. Who tries for the first time this cake, usually Mm-Mmmyat from pleasure and asks the recipe. It is interesting to try? Then let's start!

We begin, as usual, from a whipping of three eggs (it is not necessary to separate yolks from proteins - extra concerns). Continuing whipping, add sugar and bring to cream color. And only after that we add flour and continue to beat to the state of the tight yield. The dough should be as light as possible. This is the secret of cooking ...

For home gourmets or special occasions, add cinnamon and nutmeg with a pinch. Our small masterpiece of baking will not spoil anything - neither sour cream, nor oil, nor a goraced vinegar soda nor busty.

We bake one of two ways:

1. To obtain a crisp crisp peeled from the core and sliced ​​with thin slices, apples are placed in shape and pour the test. The test should be given a little time to fill the emptiness between apples. Children love to be sealed with a crust and bring cake to an indecent state, so this method recommended for a narrow home circle.

2. For the "Release Pie", thumping the dough into the shape and on top Beautifully laying out slices of apples (circles, veins, sockets), slightly sprinkled with sugar sand.

By the way, to reduce the caloric of the cake, it is better to use a silicone form, which is not necessary to lubricate with oil.

2a. For "quarreling in the big light", you need a baking sheet and a double dose of source products. In a prepared baking sheet (there is no oil without butter), we pour the dough and put on it to slices of apples, neatly a row behind next side of the opposite side. It is usually 4 rows. After baking, we divide into portion pieces - a second thing. 20 good portions are fested on the contrary.

35-40 minutes we bake the pie at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. In the oven with convection, the crust is obtained a little faster at a temperature of 165 degrees.

This aircraft is capable of eclipping with ease and exquisite taste almost any industrial production cake (in a slight exception).

Charlotte - All-season cake: in winter, in the winter, with a drill and raisins, add rhubarb. Summer bake with currant, raspberry, Irgy, blueberries and other berries (bake on the 1st option). The most delicious quarreling is autumn - with plums or apples. Now just a high apple season. And let the "dull time" pleases not only with the shades of the "eyes of charming", but also charming taste.

I suppose that you will fulfill the charlotte to ask you to ask quite often ... For the slightness of the figure and the decent amount of carbohydrates in the dish do not worry. If you do not get involved in a charlotte for dinner, and to serve for breakfast as the main dish or to dinner as a dessert, the figure will remain within the limits.

I wish you a pleasant appetite, good health and family well-being!

Author - Elena Evseenkov

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