In Grodno, a court session was held on the "Tikhanovsky case": police counted the amount of damage


The judicial on the "case of Tikhanovsky" continues in Grodno, Evgeny Rositichenko, Vladimir Book and Dmitry Furmanov, who were detained on the election piscuit in the regional center on May 29 last year,

In Grodno, a court session was held on the
Photo: Katerina Gordeva,

On February 8, in Grodno after the break, a criminal case continued to consider the criminal case against Eugene Rosichenko, Vladimir Books and Dmitry Furmanov.

Some tens of Grodnians came to support the accused. Not everyone felt in the hall.

In the morning, on Monday, they were to hear the victims in the case: two employees of the ROVD of the Leninsky district of the city and two employees of the Grodno riot police. However, they did not come to court. It turned out that both those and others did not reach the agenda. However, the participants of the ROVD promised to come after lunch.

Therefore, in court decided to explore the written materials of the case. Total - 15 volumes. So, it became known that Furmanov and Rosichenko, after the arrest, there were abrasions and bruises. They applyed to the Investigative Committee on these Facts, but they received a refusal to initiate a criminal case.

It also became known about the material damage, which was caused by militiamen.

So, one of them had a spanging sleeve and the signs of distinction on the shape were broken off, the electromegrophophon was damaged, the residual value of which is 30 rubles 31 kopeck. The cost of the distinguished sign of the difference - 3 rubles 88 kopecks, to put it on 2 rubles 40 kopecks. One of the employees were damaged shoes. Their cost - 42 rubles.

The victims of Kozlovsky militiamen and praising after the incident on May 29, it turns out to be treated. Its cost is calculated - 489 and 497 rubles.

As a civil plaintiff, an ATC auto believed: it turns out that the police bead was damaged on May 29 - there, according to the accusation, the door was broken. Repair cost - 229 rubles 94 kopecks.

One of the accused is Vladimir Book, who is a defendant on the suit, - asked to attach the original documents to the case file: the technical characteristics of the car, an extract from the booking books of traffic, and whether Bus was well established on May 29. According to the book, the gearbox was faulty in the car. And he also noted that I would like to see the conclusion of experts on what exactly damage was on the car door.

After lunch, there were two victims - Kozlovsky and praising. According to the blog Grodno, the judge read the petition from the victims. In it, they are asked to spend their interrogation in a closed court hearing due to the fact that "the case received a public resonance and threats began to arrive at their address."

"People began to ride me for cars, stand at the entrance, guard, my photos placed in telegrams and on news portals. I wrote a statement in managing my own security, there is a check on this fact, "explained in addition.

Kozlovsky supported and colleague, and his petition:

- Threats began to flow into my address, threaten physical violence, cause fights. I wrote a statement, a criminal case was initiated under this fact, "said the victim.

The government prosecutor supported them.

Defenders of the accused asked the judge to reject the petition:

- There are no specific cases of threats in the petition, there are no reliable data, the arguments of unfounded. In this regard, I consider it impossible to conduct interrogation in a closed court session.

The judge refused to satisfy the petition:

- Information about you has already appeared on the network, the closure of the court session will cause a greater wave. In addition, no one refuses you in the right to seek protection against law enforcement agencies, "the judge said.

TUT.BY monitors the process.

"Case of Tikhanovsky"

Sergey Tikhanovsky and a few more people detained on May 29 in Grodno during a sacrifice collection picket. This was preceded by an incident, as a result of which a policeman fell. Eyewitnesses of events called it provocation, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the detainees applied violence against police officers.

At first it was reported on one affected policeman, then about two.

On June 3 and 4, at the cottage at Tikhanovsky near Gomel and in his office in Gomel were searches. During the search at the cottage, investigators found 900 thousand dollars.

To date, Tikhanovsky charged on three articles of the Criminal Code:

  • Organization of actions, roughly violating public order (part 1 of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code, shall be punished with a fine, or arrest, or restriction of freedom for up to three years, or imprisonment for the same period) in connection with the events in Grodno on May 29, where Tikhanovsky and was detained;
  • The prevention of the work of the Central Election Commission (Art. 191 of the Criminal Code is punished with public works, or a fine, or correctional work for up to two years, or a limitation of freedom for up to three years, or imprisonment for the same period) - Lydia Ermoshina reported in the media The fact that the victim was recognized in the case was declared that "Tikhanovsky is dangerous for the state and society";
  • The incitement of racial, national, religious or other social hostility or retail, committed by a group of persons or caused by negligence of human death or other serious consequences (h. 3 of Art. 130 of the Criminal Code, is punished with imprisonment for a period of five to twelve years).

Belarusian human rights defenders recognized Sergey Tikhanovsky and the rest of the detainees in this case political prisoners and demand their liberation.

The BYPOL initiative has published materials related to the detention of Sergey Tikhanovsky. Among other things, there is an audio recording on which a person with a voice that looks like the Voice of Ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Yury Karaeva, says that "he is the danger of all these babariks" and "We must put it for a long time." It is worth noting that the name Tikhanovsky does not sound on the record. However, the phrases that "he, this creature, saw everything in Russia many times worse" (as you know, Tikhanov went to work in Russia), "I arrived and started:" We will tell this power "", allow you to assume that We are talking about Sergey Tikhanovsky.

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