Ways to deal with tool on currant


    Good afternoon, my reader. Currant refers to the list of the most popular berries cultivated in country areas. For a guaranteed to obtain abundant harvest of fragrant with an original taste bouquet of berries, it is important to start the fight against malicious insects in a timely manner. A particular danger is a word. With a mass defeat, this small pest is capable of significantly weakening the plants. For the struggle use different ways.

    Ways to deal with tool on currant 11519_1
    Methods of dealing with tool on the currants Maria Verbilkova

    Currant bushes need to carefully examine. Cut off the affected tone shoots and leaves, which are then burned. After that, you can use verified productive folk remedies.

    It will take 500 g of tobacco dust, which is spent in a 10-liter water container. Leave for 72 hours. Then, in the infusion, with active stirring, 100 g of thin chips obtained from the grated household soap is added. It must completely dissolve in the liquid. Spray shrubs.

    Fresh juicy shells stems are cut together with leaves and inflorescences. Raw materials (500 g) finely chopped, laid out in the dishes, where 5 liters of water outlook are gaining. A glass of sainted wood ash and a grated economic soap - 45 grams are added. Actively mix the mixture and leave for 5 hours. Then the finished infusion is filtered, after which 1: 2 clean water is bred and used for irrigation of currant bushes.

    Ways to deal with tool on currant 11519_2
    Methods of dealing with tool on the currants Maria Verbilkova

    It will be necessary to finely chop 500 g of garlic matter. Raw materials are shifted in five-liter watercond. Hold 24 hours. Before spraying infusion, it is necessary to filter using a double gauze napkin.

    Cut the above-ground part of the cleanliness. Bold on small pieces and shifted 4 kg of raw materials in a 10-liter bucket with estate water. After a daily insisting, the means is filtering. Conduct spraying currant shrubs, affected tool.

    Poured into a volumetric capacity of 10 liters of water. With intense stirring, the calcined soda is suited - 2 tbsp. l., powdered or grated arable soap - 30 g and introduced pharmaceutical iodine - 1 tsp. The fluid must be strain, and then carry out irrigation of currant bushes.

    The dryness of the velvetsets will be required. Fill with a bucket of up to half of the volume. Then poured to the very top of the warm water. Leave for 72 hours, after which the infusion is filtered and used for processing currant landings.

    Conduct the spraying of currant shrubs, who was attacked by the tribe, appropriately in a windless dry evening. Control so that the leaf plates are wetted with liquid on both sides. If after processing there will be heavy rain, you will have to repeat it.

    When detecting vast populations of Tlima on the currant bushes, it will have to use stronger and efficient professional drugs, since folk remedies will not allow the pest to destroy the pests.

    Ways to deal with tool on currant 11519_3
    Methods of dealing with tool on the currants Maria Verbilkova

    The first spraying of the landings are timed to the period when the kidneys are already crying. Re-processing is practiced a month before the start of ripening berries. It is strictly forbidden to use chemicals on the eve of the harvest.

    Examples of the most effective drugs: "Kinmix", "Aktara", "Aktellik". Used successfully "carbofos", "Fufanon", "Spark". The preparation of working solutions is carried out, focusing on the instruction guidelines, without exceeding the optimal dosages.

    The trouble without taking timely efficient measures of the struggle is very quickly spreading not only on the currant bushes, but also by neighboring landings of cultivated plants. It is important to start the destruction of this pest at the first signs of the appearance when you can successfully use a variety of folk remedies that are safety.

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