Digest 29. Overview of the main political events of the week in Telegram-agenda

Digest 29. Overview of the main political events of the week in Telegram-agenda 11496_1
Digest 29. Overview of the main political events of the week in Telegram-agenda

Digest Telegram-Agenda of the Political Channels of the Messenger, prepared jointly with the Creator and the author of the project "Somehow like that" by Anatoly Spirin, about the continuation of preparation for elections 2021 and attempts to "slow down" twitter.

Large elections close ...

Before the Duma elections, only six months remains, which causes parties, the Kremlin, regions and candidates for deputies to show turbulent activities.

Kremlin Sheptun is divided by insident that "Ex-head of Yakutsk Sardan Avksentyeva will run into the parliament from" new people ": the ambulance nomination of the" People's mayor ", recently spent from the post, was quite expected.

Updated actions from the Fair Russia party party "found another" heavyweight ": on the lists" intellectual and pocket-head of Anatoly Wasserman, "the Baika from the Spasskaya Tower" reports.

Regional heroes are gathering to the State Duma: "Shooting and Ties" say that the "Former Mayor of Yekaterinburg Alexander High-Urentsky allowed his nomination to the State Duma" - in fact, the Duma of the new convocation as a place of work is interesting to many.

While the non-parliamentary parties are fighting for the attention of media persons presented in the Duma already make up their lists

The Channel "Ask Rasul" reported that "the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of Candidates for the State Duma's elections - did not enter it party radicals, who defended Alexey Navalny and rallies in his support."

"Cass & Ra" confirms: "Actions say more than words - in the Communist Parties, there is not a deputy radical Raskina or his protege."

There are now most difficulties around the commercial members: Valery Rashkin's deputy, as reported by the "Stukach" channel, the opponents have already announced the publication of the compromise - and the information will be exactly more than in 2016. "

All candidates in the State Duma naturally do not have enough places, especially, according to the project "Evening Prophet", the "party of power" stands in the 8th convening of a very ambitious goal - "obtaining at least 300 mandates, and the primaries themselves for" one Russia "only part of the election campaign and party agenda."

The political scientist Ilya Painchkov in its review of the situation with Primerizes notes that "a large number of participants will come to the primaries and there is a danger. Some of them are just noisy "alpha", which will begin to compete with quiet functioners. This will breed conflicts at the center level - regions, especially where there are intralic disagreements. "

The Moscow Pool Channel expresses greater skepticism regarding the prospects of the "Party of Power": "Updated Luggage of the EP in parliamentary elections does not offer, and the program is still the same - social, increasing income and business assistance."

Despite the ambitious goal of "United Russia" - to get more than 300 mandates in the State Duma with a low ranking, no one doubts that the functionaries will "turn" the impossible task

The "Large Transfer 2024" channel is set by a logical question: "Continuation of the lists of candidates from systemic opposition parties with the RF RF, which" allocated "100-120 places in the future of the Russian parliament continues? How to divide them? " Similarly, the head of the third force coalition, Igor Skurlatov, thinks: "How to divide" free "100 deputies for 4 Opported" Over "system-opposition parties - fraternally or honest?"

Probably, the Governor Corps will also be connected to solving the problem, which writes the Polturava channel, the presidential administration "obliged to actively connect to the election process, where, in addition to the election in the State Duma, elections will be held in regional parliaments, and the partnerships" United Russia "are required to lead Governors. "

The internal party primaries and the internal party primaries, to which inside the structure are quite heavy, - "Prime Minister who wants to become a deputy will have to go through" primaries ", they are appointed in full-time on May 30," according to Evening Khabarovsk.

Someone there may, and the truth is seriously going through the results of this internity and few people interesting in the country


Hinting the reader to the fact that within the framework of the previously held "primaries" the winners are already defined.

The main task of the party is to update your composition in the State Duma, which also says the channel "Rakova will call": "United Russia" will update his faction in the State Duma due to the winners of the personnel competition "Leaders of Russia. Politics "that very much will raise the hardware impact of the head of the head of the deputy head of AP Sergey Kiriyenko."

"Old" Duma in front of their departure is actively trying to develop his own agenda, and some deputies are trying to use the still with their status for entering the headlines

According to colleagues from the "Kremlin Baughty", "Deputy from the LDPR Sergey Katsonov introduced a bill on the introduction of a new progressive Ndfl scale", but it is unlikely that it comes to the status of the law, but rather "may reincarnated already under the sauce of the EP initiatives.

Yuri Dolgoruky replies that the bill itself "From the point of view of all the same social justice, the main backbone of the population would hardly feel", which makes pre-election bills of deputies who want to get more mentiones in the media, simply empty.

Even the speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin could not resist the temptation of the new PR

According to the channel "Weekdays Deputy", Volodin instructed "accelerate the consideration of two government bills implementing the presidential posts of 2020." Here it is worth remembering the earlier idea of ​​the Speaker of the Chamber associated with the legal consolidation of the pre-election promises of the deputies. The channel "Secrets of the Leningrad Court" said that again, the conversations about the need to legally fix the obligations that candidates take on themselves during the electoral race. "

Stormy "activities" of deputies cause doubts and rejection of citizens

As the channel "Stratrus (Strategy of Russia)" believes, "citizens not only consider the lower chamber of Parliament politically inconspanding, but also consider it a certain anti-admantic authority."

According to Saltay-Babai, "Most Russians - 58% - we are worried about the rise in prices," so "anxiety in society is growing, and one way or another she will find the political outlines soon, right in the elections to the State Duma in the fall." "Boiler number 6" also notes the trend: for example, the meat of chicken is already "hardened not worse than Bitcoin. It would seem, where did the head of Rosselkhoznadzor, Sergey Dankvert, who should, in theory, stand guard of food security and reasonable prices?

Another election idea is becoming an idea to increase the federal part of the election partners

The channel "Upholstery" claims: "For a party, the lists are the ability to replenish the funds and increase the well-being of their leaders. Or do you think the lists are distributed free of charge? "

Druid leads his own analytics: "Initiative is a supercateralization, aimed at selling the list of candidates for the State Duma deputies," which will reduce the possibilities of the governors to "pierce" people close to themselves in the parliament.

Mr. Volodin was expected in the topic. The "Siberian Barber" reports that, according to the speaker, "it is stacked by the Trend on the strengthening of the" Big Four "parliamentary parties, although for the United Russia" "This is less than something means."

Not only legislative "fictions" of individual deputies become an important feature of the pre-election Duma, but also their antiysystem statements. One of these, reports the "State Duma 2021" channel, "refuted by Volodyin and Peskov". The application concerned the next increase in the retirement age, which caused for the initiator of the chamber, Deputy Valery Rashkin and for the Speaker of the State Duma, a squall of mention in the media.

Political scientist Maxim Zharov is asked: "Maybe the challenge of Rashkina is also the Duma tricks? Regular chambers of the pension reform on Saturdays began to be too native. "

After the meeting of the President with volunteers, there was a trend on their attraction to campaigns, to which the channel "Sibiryak" answers: "Our parliamentary parties have the experience of interaction with volunteers both on the federal and regional level, and it is obvious that those who want to break through In parliament, also focus its efforts on attracting volunteers. "

MP Duma Vyacheslav Lysakov in his channel "We Think" on this topic speaks easily and simply: "Political leeches are presented to volunteering."

The discussions about the elections to the State Duma are becoming the farther, the more confusing: the introductory is becoming more and more, and analysts begin to be confused in all complex schemes and details, and therefore the election agenda is increasingly turning into chaos of infects and insides.

... slow down twitter now ...

"Roskomnadzor from March 10 received measures to initiate a slower speed of the work network Twitter for 100% of mobile and 50% of stationary devices in connection with the violation of the resource of Russian legislation," the channel "Freshness" said.

Channel "DLSH: Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" Notes: "Now the Russian users of the social network will be able to access" methods of preparation of drugs, baby porn and calls to suicide "only in very small speed, which will touch all the owners of smartphones, but only half of the PC, the rest Half will be able to continue to enjoy all the benefits of fast Internet. "

"That deer" is sure: "Twitter is only the first bird, and if the interlock experience will be successful, the same mechanism will also use for" incorporation in the legal field of the Russian Federation "and other messengers will disagree will be blocked, and to replace users will be Offered domestic platforms. "

Actually, the closure in Russia Twitter will not happen anything terrible, and with Facebook it is more difficult, but, in the extreme case, everyone will go to the messengers


The channel of the first information telegram-agency Agency "Telattream" reports that "Twitter hit the first to blow to Roskomnadzor, the second will be Facebook, and until Roskomnadzor restricted to a decrease in speed, the next step is blocking."

Interestingly noticed "Politroke 2.0": "Roskomnadzor, confirming our long-time Alarmism, tried to" slow down Twitter ", and the outcome is a little predictable," accompanying these lines with the Meduza heading that the Sites of the Kremlin, Governments and State Duma stopped opening. "

"Roskomnadzor is just like that" that he always wants evil and always makes benefit. " They wanted to slow down the speed of the Twitter's speed for the "protection of Russian citizens", and as a result, the Sites of the Kremlin, State Duma and Council were blocked

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Politician, businessman

The Channel "VCHK-OGPU" reports that the Hacker Attack on Russia promised to Russia is to blame for everything - the site of the Kremlin, Government, State Duma and a number of other supportmenities. "

The editor "Federal Press" Andrei Gusiy analyzes the situation, arguing that "Russians will, as in the case of the Telegram forbidden at one time, use social networks underway, using the appropriate ways, so that the era of digital underground occurs. Channel "Master of Pen", as one of the main ones to create meanings, about the slowdown of the social network argues: "An explanation of the happening of what happened that the Russian region of the Internet had been stiffed due to the uncertainty of the future of the future, which the head of state should have been submitted at the beginning of the year "

The authors of the channel "Politics online" are confident that "World Internet by 2021 acquired its national and geopolitical subjectivity", which ultimately speaks about the ambulance of various national network development models, and events with a "twitter" are becoming the first news of such a struggle.

The discussion about the "deceleration" of social networks Roskomnadzor came out short, but very clearly giving everyone to understand - the total "sovereignty of the Runet" continues, and our favorite and not very social networks are still unlikely.

Digest author: Anatoly Spirin

Creator, chief editor of the Telegram channel "Once here so"

Photo: Getty Images duma.gov.ru

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