Unscrying beauties: Talented Russian actresses with controversial appearance


Now for some reason it is believed that an actor-a man in order to become successful, must have charisma and talent, but the actresses, they say, can be just beautiful, and this is enough.

However, among the stars of female films, there are a lot of those who proved the opposite, on their example demonstrating that external data are conditional concepts, but the charm and the power of talent is something that can make an excellent girl. There are celebrities and in domestic cinema.

Inna Churikova

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The main proof of the statement that the appearance in the world of the film does not have absolutely no meaning is the great actress Inna Churikova. A celebrity can embody an absolutely any character on the screen so that it is impossible to break away from viewing. What is only its ingenious role of mother alcoholic in the comedy "Shyri-Mirly". And this is not to mention the classics of serious roles in the films "Vassas", "Start" and many others.

Previously, we have already written about the stars of cinema who failed the main casting of their lives.

Jan Sexte

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Being a textbook example of a girl with a nordic appearance, Jan Sexteh gained popularity from the domestic viewer after shooting in the TV series Valeria Todorovsky "Thaw". At the same time, there is a lot of other strong work on the account of the actress, but most of the time the star still pays to the theater, where he managed to shine in the performances of the "Fathers and Children" performances in Turgenev and the "Senior Son" Wapilov.

Nelli Uvarova

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The main "Cinderella" of the Russian cinema can be considered Nelly Uvarov, the cult work of which was the series "Do not be born beautiful." Burn into the role of clever, but not the beauties of Kati Pushkin actress managed so organically, which soon the name of this character in the CIS countries has become a nominal one. In circles of not too educated citizens, after the television, the name of the main character was called all the not enough stylish girls.

We recently talked about the stars who managed to part in 2021.

Olesya Zhelenyak

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Possessing appearance, far from the standards of beauty, Olesya Zheleznyak managed to find his place under the sun in domestic cinema, becoming a fairly popular actress of the comedy genre. Most viewers remember the star according to the role in the series "My beautiful nanny," where Zheleznyak played a friend of Vika Prutkovsky, but there are much more good roles in the actress's air service lover.

Alice Grebenshchikov

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The daughter of the leader of the domestic rock band "Aquarium" managed to escape from the father's shade and become an independent creative unit, despite the very mediocre appearance. Today Alice Grebenshchikova is actively filming the cinema and works in the theater. The first film actresses began to film about the dangerous entertainment of adolescents called "American". At one time, Grebenshchikova also received a premium to them. Ranevskaya for the best comedy role.

On our site there is also a material about the sons of celebrities, which are completely different on their star fathers.

And which of these actresses do you like most? Share your opinion in the comments.

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