Top 9 Errors in the handling of melamine sponge


Melamine sponge is the main assistant in the kitchen. It helps without much effort to clean the almost any surface, even the one that seemed to be repairing the repair. "

What should not be done with the melamine sponge so that she replied a long service life and the qualitative performance of their "duties"?

Top 9 Errors in the handling of melamine sponge 11443_1
1. Do not use it dry

The melamine sponge attracted the hostesses by the fact that it effectively cleans the tile, dishes, furniture, household appliances, even without cleaning agents. Moreover, it is not compatible with chemistry and completely able to eliminate any contamination itself.

However, the question is, it is necessary to water it, it still occurs, and the answer to it is unequivocal - necessarily. The more wet sponge, the noticeable effect, is once.

Two - the base from melamine is much coarser and tougher than ordinary foam rubber. Melamine consists of crystals obtained as a result of a compound of cyanurchloride and ammonia. These substances are abrasive, and with careless use of a dry sponge, you can easily damage the surface, especially if it is a ceramic cooking panel, lacquered enamel, glass, teflon, acrylic or plastic. In essence, it works like sandpaper, so you can imagine what can bring rubbing with a dry sponge.

If you do not want to encounter scratches on expensive devices, it is impellent abundantly wetting it in cool water (up to 50 degrees).

Top 9 Errors in the handling of melamine sponge 11443_2
2. Do not apply it to clean the dishes

Scientists have proven that melamine is safe for humans if when handling it use precautions: to wear gloves and not apply against dishes. But how does the ability to remove the nagar and fat from the frying pan of this miraculous adaptation!

If you really want to, outside you can lay a saucepan or a frying pan with a melamine sponge, but inside it is impossible.

First, one way or another, a certain amount of melamine will remain on the dishes or table devices, which will then be in contact with food. Finding into the human body, they do not cause poisoning, but there is a cumulative effect. Part of melanin comes out naturally, part settles in the kidneys and can lead to the formation of stones.

Secondly, when heated, the toxic properties of melamine are increasing.

Thirdly, melamine destroys the non-stick coating, leaves on the inner surfaces of the microcracks, in which the melamine molecules are settled, which leads to all of the above consequences.

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3. Do not apply

After using the melamine sponge, it is necessary to squeeze it slightly and put it dry. In no case cannot be exhausting, squeeze, twist, squeeze: the sponge has a porous structure that can be easily destroyed by mechanical effects. After that, the sponge becomes unfit or not fully copes with pollution.

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4. Do not use cleaners with a sponge

The melamine sponge is a lady independent, and she does not need helpers in the form of household chemicals. It works on the principle of magnet and absorbs all pollution, and when contacting with water, it forms its own foam.

The use of cleaning products together with melamine is not only meaningless, but also dangerous: it is not known which reaction the substance will enter with a dishwasher or cleaning powder. It is especially dangerous to use with a melamine sponge of chlorine-containing means: while the toxicity of melamine increases several times.

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5. Do not use it to clean hot surfaces.

High temperatures also increase melanin toxicity, and several times. If you are going to wash off a cooking surface, oven outside or dishes, wait for their complete cooling.

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6. Do not work a sponge without gloves.

When cleaning the contaminated surfaces with melamine sponge, we must wear rubber or disposable medical gloves. The skin melamine, of course, is not a rebound, but here for well-groomed female fingers and fresh manicure represents a threat.

After using the melamine sponge in the hands, particles remain abrasive substances that can get into the body with food, water or even when you cover your mouth during yawning or sneezing. And hello urolithiasis.

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7. Do not try the entire surface of the sponge

While first wetting the connection between crystals weakens. The sponge becomes more vulnerable, its structure is easier to destroy. If cleaning, pressing the sponge with the entire surface to the cleaned place, its service life will decrease.

Manufacturers recommend using only a corner, and as it can be used to simply cut it. Another option is to immediately cut a sponge on 5-6 small pieces, each of which can be used several times.

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8. Do not store the sponge in the wrong place.

"Involved" sponge places are only three: near food, where they can find children and pets, and at direct exposure to sunlight. All three options are dangerous, so it is best to have a special jar with a dense lid, in which you can remove the sponge to the next use, stand, or remove it into the "native" box.

Before sending a sponge to a well-deserved "rest", let her dry well.

Top 9 Errors in the handling of melamine sponge 11443_9
9. Do not click on the sponge as if you participate in the fight for the title "Who is stronger?"

For some reason, many think that, the stronger to put pressure on something, the faster and better it will work. Even when the remote control buttons from the TV are not triggered, we try to make more effort, without guessing that it is time to change batteries.

With melamine sponges, too often make this mistake. The effectiveness of purification depends not on the strength of pressing the sponge, speed and frequency of movements, and on how well it is moistened. Well, from the service life, of course: if the sponge does not purify the way you would like, and you have already used it several times, it means it's time to say goodbye to her and buy a new one.

Top 9 Errors in the handling of melamine sponge 11443_10

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