"Yes, my Mr." - authoritarian ex-spouse Anfisa Chekhova married her twin


Gram Bubishvili played a wedding with a pregnant beloved

Gram and Julia Bablishvili, Instagram.com

Anfisa Chekhova divorced her husband, actor Gram Bubishvili, 4 years ago. The 43-year-old TV presenter did not hide that he leaves the treasher due to its incurable infidelity. Moreover, a loving man in Abkhazia was the second family. After parting, the spouses retained good, warm relations for the sake of the total 8-year-old Son Solomon. School holidays The boy traditionally spend in Georgia with his father. During this period, anfisa did not have any changes and love shocks in life - all the same charming Teediva jokes and laughs, and there are no speech about men. But the ex-spouse has serious changes. A few months ago it became known that his new chosen was waiting for a baby. And now fresh news - the couple played a wedding in Krasnoyarsk, in the bride's homeland. Guram's wife was a 26-year-old blogach and model Yulia Tomilin. It is reported that Julia is younger than her husband for 13 years. The spouses do not advertise a new status, but in Instagram Tomilin has already changed the surname on the surname of her husband.

Gram and Julia Bablishvili, Instagram.com

Subscribers are joking that Gurar took a copy of the anfisa to the wife. Girls are really similar - bright features of the face, luxurious breasts, feminine shapes of the legs and hips.

Gram Bubishvili, Anfisa Chekhov , Dom2Life.ru

Chekhov so far did not comment on the wedding of Guram. Somehow she said, what men do she meet with her sense of humor:

Almost all the men of my life dreamed of seeing me that: naked, helping and in a muzzle. It is desirable that the muzzle does not allow me to say nothing but: "Yes, my Mr." I do not know why all men want to subordinate me? I do not know why I resist this all time? Although I love when a man dominates, but somehow carefully and with the mind

- Chekhov joked, posing on the beach in Bikini and mask.

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