Can "buy" to deprive the status of the regulator?


We tell under what conditions with the Regional Operator to handle the TCU may terminate the agreement.

- On the streets since the beginning of the year Mount of garbage. Maybe it's time to change "buying" to another organization, since he does not cope?

In April 2018, the Regional Ministry of Energy and Housing and Communal Services concluded an agreement on the organization of activities on the organization of solid communal waste in the Kirov Region, despite the fact that the enterprise was the only participant in the competition and the selection was recognized. The "buying" began to go from January 1, 2019, from that moment he was assigned the status of a regional operator for a period of 10 years.

Under the terms of the agreement, the duties of the regoperator include ensuring the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal and disposal of the TKO in the region.

According to the agreement, "buying" may be deprived of the status of a regional operator on the grounds established by the rules for handling solid utility waste. The rulespropisans have five reasons for depriving the status of the regulator:

  • If during the year due to the fault of the regulator, multiple (2 times or more) violations of the rules or conditions of contracts and agreements on the provision of services for the treatment of TCO were admitted. These violations must be documented;
  • If during the year the regecutor has repeatedly violated the rules or terms of the agreement, which led to harm the lives or health of citizens;
  • If the debt of the regulator in front of the contractors exceeds the twelfth part of the required gross revenue of the regulator, a defined PCT;
  • violation of waste fluxes from containers to polygons installed by Tereshable;
  • Violation of the terms of the Agreement on the provision of a bank guarantee as to ensure the fulfillment of obligations.

In case of identifying these violations with the company, the Agreement will be terminated, and the authorities will have to declare a competition for the search for a new registator. At the time of the competition, the company is obliged to continue to fulfill its duties, and then transfer all the necessary information and documents to conduct activities on handling TKO.

Can "buy" to deprive the status of the regulator?

Currently, the Government of the Kirov region does not see the grounds for the deprivation of the "Cuppite" status of the regional operator.

"Now" buying "copes, he has all the necessary resources and strength he has," said Alexander Churin, chairman of the Government of the Kirov region at a press conference on the situation with garbage disposal. - In principle, recently, he has improved financial position, we deal with payables and receivables and with the level of payment collection. Figures are good, please. At least, if compared with other operators in Russia, then "buying" shows a very good dynamics.

Briefly about the main thing:

1. "Coupling" may deprive the status of the regulator in the case of multiple violations of the rules for the treatment of TCO, agreements from the government or contracts with contractors, as well as with large debts before trash transporters.

2. In case of deprivation of the "Cuppite" of the status of the regulator, the regional government should announce the competition for finding a new regulator.

3. The Government of the Kirov region does not see the grounds for termination of the Agreement with the "Cuppite".

If you have questions that you can't find an answer, ask us, and we will try to answer them.

Photo: Olga Karsakova, Sergey Kislytsyn / / Regoperator43

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