What kind of plant AIR Bolotnaya?

What kind of plant AIR Bolotnaya? 11396_1
What kind of plant AIR Bolotnaya? Photo: Depositphotos.

This plant has many titles in different languages: lepeha, the tavern ... in different cultures it is used in medicine, cooking, agricultural engineering and landscape design. How to find out this plant and apply correctly?

Botanical description

AIR is a perennial herbaceous plant, equipped with a creeping branching rhizome, having a characteristic smell. Outside it has a reddish-brown shade, and almost white inside. At the bottom, the rhizome is seated with numerous roots that do not smell. The thickness of the root is permeated with air strokes, so the spongy structure becomes visiting.

At the rhizome develops long sword-shaped leaves, having parallel dwelling. Leaves reaching lengths up to 1 m cover each other with their bases. Footprints of those who have previously disappeared leaves can be traced throughout the surface of the root in the form of wide scars.

What kind of plant AIR Bolotnaya? 11396_2
Ayir Swamp photo: ru.wikipedia.org

In the center of the leaf beam, a trothed floral arrow develops, which has a smaller length than the leaves. At its end, the inflorescence is growing in the form of a thick cat. Flowers AIR Bolotnaya in July.


AIR forms thick thickets on or other reservoirs and other reservoirs. The roots of AIR, departing from the root, are well adapted to rooting in Ile. Perfectly feels AIR and in standing, as well as slowly current waters and on wetlands.

Four main agricultural aroles of AIR are known. These plants live in various geographic zones.

  1. North American subspecies are common in Canada and the United States.
  2. European - in Europe, in the Baltic States and Ukraine.
  3. Japanese, or East Asian - in India, China, Indonesia.
  4. AIR is quite common in Siberia. An extensive area stretches from Primorye to West to Obi and Irtysh.

Medicinal application

What kind of plant AIR Bolotnaya? 11396_3
Mair Mair leaves: ru.wikipedia.org

Drug raw materials are the rhizomes of Aira Bolotnaya, which are collected in autumn, when the water level in reservoirs is reduced. Rhizomes are easily removed from the soil with the help of forks or robber. After washing with water, the leaves and roots are cut off with them, and the rhizomes themselves are rolling in air and cut across 3-4 parts. Speckers thicker 3 cm split and roud.

The rhizomes are harvested both purified and not purified. When cleaning, an external brown layer of the crust is removed. It is done after carrying to drying. Drinking AIRA rhizomes is recommended in air or in a dryer at a temperature of 25-30 ° C.

The rhizome of this medicinal plant is part of the gastric fees, as well as in Vicair and Vicalin preparations, which are used for ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa and duodenal intestine, with increased acidity of the gastric juice.

Application in cooking

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Complies to AIRA photo: ru.wikipedia.org

The specific aroma of AIR allows to use it as a spice - as a substitute for a laurel sheet and (or) ginger. Basically, therefore, dishes from fish, meat, poultry. However, it is possible with the help of the root of the plant to give a kind of taste and pastries.

The surrounding reservoirs are straight vertical stems and saber-shaped leaves are not just grass. It makes sense to look at: Perhaps this is the same AIR, nicknamed the people of health.

Author - Ekaterina Majorova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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