Why does Euharis have leaves twist? Causes and ways to solve the problem

Why does Euharis have leaves twist? Causes and ways to solve the problem 11384_1

In a healthy eukharis, only young just appeared leaflets are twisted, but they also quickly unfold, acquiring a natural form for this plant.

If adult leaves are twisted, it means that your green friend has problems. Let's try to deal with the reasons and methods of treating this disease.

Causes causing leaf twisting

Why is the leaves begin to curb the leaves for the first view of Euharicis? The following factors can contribute to this:

  • Damage pests. First of all, you need to exclude the moment of mechanical deformation, which can occur in the process of unsuccessful unfolding a new sheet. If not one sheet is deformed, that is, the foundations suspect the presence of pests. To detect them, you need to carefully examine the inner part of the leaves.
  • Damage to the root system. Caused by the following reasons: The size of the container in which the flower grows is too large. The land does not have time to sleep between irrigation and the plant quickly boots.
  • Reaction to fertilizer overdose. Frequently caused to twist the leaves is the corrosion of the plant.
  • Lack of nutrients. Here, on the contrary, the flower for normal development lacks the necessary trace elements.
  • Excessive dry air. Folding leaves, Euharicis prevents evaporation of moisture, thus protecting from unfavorable conditions.
  • Insufficient watering.

How to help plant recover?

Defeat by pests

If the pest can be detected by the naked eye, the plant is treated with the corresponding insecticide. In other cases (including for prevention), fungicides against bacterial and fungal infections are used:

  • Fundazoll.
  • Phitosporin.
  • Topaz and others.

The plant is processed three times with a weekly break between approaches.

Damage to the root system

Euharicis is afraid of cold and drafts, especially in the company with abundant irrigation. If the room temperature decreases, be sure to reduce watering and focus on the soil condition.

Attention! During the flowering and active growth of the leaves, the plant is watered as the soil burned for 3 cm. But in the period of rest, which lasts the rest of the time, the container of the flower must dry almost to the bottom.

In the launched cases, when the leaves are no longer only twisted, but also begin to turn yellow, without a transplanting can not do. What do we have to do?

  1. Remove the plant from the pot and carefully examine the root system. The goal is to detect the rotten areas. Usually they are darker and soft to the touch.
  2. The affected areas of the bulbs carefully cut off to a healthy part. Sections of sections spray with crowded activated coal.
  3. Dry the bulbs and the ground, pouring the contents of the pot on the newspaper.
  4. Plant Eukharis in a smaller and wide pot.
  5. Do not water the flower within two weeks.

If you already decide to transplant plants, be sure to use this to replace the deep pot into smaller. This will solve the problem with the stress of water at the bottom of the vase.

Fertilizer Overdose Reaction

Amazon Lily can not fertilize during the rest. Moreover, even during active growth, the flower should be picked up very carefully, reducing the recommended dosage at times. If the deformation of the leaves occurred after another feeding, we recommend to transplant eucharis to a new land.

Lack of nutrients

If your green friend grows in the same land for a long time, and you constantly forget to feed it, then the diagnosis is obvious - the depletion of the soil and lack of nutritional elements. Carefully adopt the plant or transope in fresh soil.

Excessive dry air

During the operation of the central heating, Eukhariz may not have enough humidity. Wipe the leaves with a wet cloth, spray the plant, use other methods of increasing air humidity indoors.

Disadvantaged watering

Despite the fact that eukharicis is harmful to excess moisture, some of its number is still necessary, as well as any plant. Therefore, you should not bring the periods of the soil to the absurdity.

Important! Carefully watch the flower and do not allow twisting and loss of the turgora. The leaves that are enough moisture look vigorous and shine.

How to prevent the appearance of the problem again?

The best prevention of this and not only the problems will be the observance of the rules for the care of the plant.

  1. Lighting. Euharicis loves light, but is afraid of direct sunlight, so you need to pick a bright, protected from the midday sun.
  2. Temperature mode. Tropical heat-loving plants, air temperature in the room should not fall below 16 degrees in winter.
  3. Watering. During the flowering and active set of green mass, watering increases, in periods of rest - reduce, but do not stop completely, as the Amazon Lily rarely resets the foliage and it still requires some amount of moisture. How to determine when it is to water that we told above.
  4. Transfer. Amazon Lilia is transplanted as growing, but not more often than once in three or four years. At the same time, the earthen is desirable not to destroy, carefully moving it into a more spacious container with the addition of a new soil.
  5. Fertilizers. The plant is fed during the actual growth and formation of flowers with a solution of fertilizer for flowering plants every two weeks. At the same time, the lures begin very carefully, strongly diluted the recommended composition.

The problem of twisting the leaves may be a consequence of a set of reasons and most of them are reduced to incorrect leaving. Create your favorite comfortable conditions, and the result will not make yourself wait.

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