Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity

Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_1
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_2
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_3
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_4
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_5
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_6
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_7
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_8
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_9
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_10
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_11
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_12
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_13
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_14
Chronicle of a female day. 141 politically motivated business against women and shares of solidarity 11383_15

This year on March 8, it was quite unfortunate: snow, wind. It is necessary to try to see the traditional picture, like girls, women and grandmothers walk around the city, armed with flowers and smiles. At the same time, news about the situation in the country continues from different sources - naturally, with women's flavor. From infographic about the percentage of women among prisoners in Belarus to shares in support of repressed women.

IOC refused to recognize Viktor Lukashenko head of the Olympic Committee of Belarus

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) refused to recognize the powers of the President of the Olympic Committee of Belarus Viktor Lukashenko. In IOC, it was called "temporary interim measure." Thus, the IOC did not recognize the results of the elections for the post of head of the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of the Republic of Belarus, which were held on February 26.

In IOC "With great disappointment", noted that the NOC was not able to fully fulfill the first decision of the IOC executive committee (dated December 7, 2020) that the previous leadership of the NOC RB did not ensure the proper protection of Belarusian athletes from political discrimination within the country. It is known that Viktor Lukashenko was elected during the Olympic Assembly. He from April 2019 he performed the responsibilities of the first vice president of Nok. Alexander Lukashenko was the president of Nok since May 1997. Also, the International Olympic Committee did not recognize the member of the Executive Committee of Dmitry Baskov, sanctions against him and Viktor Lukashenko remain valid.

Putilo released a film about Lukashenko

After a long silence, Stepan Putilo appeared on the broadcast of the BelSAT TV channel and said that everything was in order with him. According to him, in recent days, his team worked on the film, which Lukashenko recently said. As announced, the speech in the film should go about its real estate, other property and finance. For a minute before the premiere of the film, more than 30 thousand people were expected. In the peak moment, the number of spectators reached 100 thousand users online.

Foundation "Justice for journalists": Belarus In the first place on attacks on journalists in 2020

Last year, at least 1129 women - professional and civil journalists from 12 countries of the former USSR (without the Baltic States) were attacked for their work. The record holder at the absolute number of attacks on the journalist was Belarus, in second place - Russia, in the third - Ukraine, is noted in the report of the Foundation "Justice for journalists", prepared for the International Women's Day. During this year, three journalists died: two in Russia (Irina Slavina, Kozapress, and Natalia Michurina, "East Siberian Pravda") and one in Belarus (Lyubsova Zemtsov, the project "Unknown Belarus", died in an accident).

In the relative values ​​of the most dangerous of the post-Soviet countries for work, the journalist is Belarus: the risk coefficient (calculated as the number of attacks per 100 thousand people) is 14.61. The least of all this coefficient in Uzbekistan is 0.37. For Turkmenistan, valid calculations are not possible due to the country's almost complete information isolation. At 79% (887) cases for attacks on journalists were representatives of the authorities of those countries where they work. According to the Fund, most of all the journalists in absolute values ​​suffered in Belarus - 382. 11 Of these, bullet injuries, contusion from light grenades or were beaten during the detention during their work at the August protests. 107 cases of detentions were recorded (for a period of up to 24 hours) and 48 arrests (per day or more) journalists. In 96% of cases of attack on journalists working in Belarus, they proceeded from the authorities of the authorities: police, riot police and other government strengths.

Amnesty International: Women of Belarus in the forefront of human rights

In a new briefing dedicated to the female measurement of the struggle for human rights in the conditions of increasing police repression in Belarus, Amnesty International emphasizes the important role of activist women in human rights struggle and indicates that women's organizations are also exposed to specific persecution by the state. The interviewers amnesty International were arrested and interrogated by their security forces were accused of "bad mothers" that they are "bad wives," the authorities threatened to take their children from them. During detention, they came across cruelty, conclusion due to views.

The global campaign of Solidarity Amnesty International with protesters in Belarus #standwithBelarus was launched on January 27, 2021 with the publication of the report showing how Belarusian authorities used the justice system to punish victims of torture, and not criminals. The organization regularly issues materials in which various layers of the Belarusian society are subject to the persecution.

Kolesnikova should get out of the SIZO today. But it will not work

"Yesterday, March 7, - exactly half a year since they detained Maria Kolesnikov, - Reminds the official channel Babarico. - Today, the term of detention is expired, but it is not released. She faces up to 12 years in prison. Maria became one of the symbols of peaceful protest and struggle for his rights. " There are no official information from the authorities about its exemption.

Lukashenko and Tikhanovsky congratulated Belarusian

Congratulations to Lukashenko: "From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your wonderful spring holiday - the day of women. It is symbolic that the most important words for each person - Mom, family, homeland - female. It is you who preserve and convey to new generations of crucial values ​​and traditions. At the same time, any professional, sports, creative vertices are subject to you. In the history of the country and the people there were different periods, but Belarusian women were always distinguished by exceptional wisdom and calm confidence in the happy future. On this holiday, I wish you and your loved ones of good health, love, mutual understanding, peaceful sky above your head and success in all good endeavors. "

Congratulations to Tikhanovskaya: "I know that we can be very different. After all, the Belarusian woman is a smile of Maria Kolesnikova. And fearless Nina Baginsky. This is the invaluable experience of Lily Vlaus, which is called the mother of the Belarusian mediation. And this is the resistance of Natalia Khershech, who announced a hunger strike. The Belarusian woman is the maternal concern to Dasha Losik, who raises the daughter while her husband is in prison. And this is the professional pride of Journalist Kati Andreva, Dasha Chulzova and Katerina Borisievich. This is a good heart Olya Salizon and temperament of Alana Gebreariam. But there is something that combines all of us: and those who have been openly exposed to their protest for half a year, and those who are not overwilling fear, but also waiting for change. This is love and power of Belarusian. Each of us loves your children and wants security for them. Each wants to have the opportunity to choose his way - to build a career or family, living in a big city or a small town, be a politician or a housewife - and be proud of your choice. Each of us wants her to be respected and burned - both native people and state laws. Women always did a lot for Belarus, but over the past year Belarusian made impossible. And today, March 8, on the day of female solidarity, I want to congratulate you, my dear Belarusian. The 2020th showed that our love and power is enough for the whole world. I am sure that, noting this holiday, today the whole world is admired by the Belarusian women. And I am proud and happy to be one of you. "

"Volns Prafasyazu BDU" decided to support shelter for victims of domestic violence

Wolnes Prafasyuse BDA today decided to launch Challenge helping victims of domestic violence. "We are not acceptable any manifestation of violence, regardless of the source, whether it is a state or an abuser in the form of a father, a family member or a friend," says the trade union. - Help affected by the non-profit organization "Radislava", which created asylum, in which any woman from any corner of Belarus can be anonymously and absolutely free to get help. There are no analogues of similar shelters in Belarus, and pressure is the only pressure: "Radislav" recently visited the DFR. Eighth of March - about solidarity and mutual assistance! " Challenge lies in the financial assistance to refuge, he was transferred to all representatives of the primary organizations of independent trade unions.

PC "Viasna": 141 Criminal case with political motifs against women

"In the summer of 2020, for the first time, Belarusians were spelled loudly as national and internationally, the Human Rights Center" Vyasna "writes loudly. "Many media wrote that peaceful protests" female face "and women move it. At the same time, more than ever before, a huge number of women was thrown behind the grille on political reasons. PC "Spring" is known at least about 141 politically motivated criminal cases initiated in Belarus against women from the beginning of the election campaign. At least 49 women are in places of detention or under house arrest. Ten of them are already convicted for real deadlines for imprisonment, the rest are waiting for ships, 38 women are recognized as political prisoners. At least 17 women are condemned to "home chemistry" or on fines and are now on freedom. At least 75 women are now on freedom in the status of suspected criminal cases, some of them left abroad.

The most severe punishment for women recently is called the sentence of Natalia Khershe - 2.5 years in colony. Natalia was born in Belarus, but the last 12 years lived in Switzerland. During the female march, on September 19, she threw Balaklava from a riot police officer Sergei tip. The court sentenced her to two and a half years of imprisonment in a colony of a common regime, recognizing the responsibility of the ATS employee (part 2 of Art. 363 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus). She recently declared a hunger strike due to the fact that she did not reach the correspondence. "

Promotion dedicated to women who subjected to repression

Several girls spent flashmob in recognizable places of the capital. "Usually on March 8, it is customary to praise women, talk about pricelessness and uniqueness," said participants. "However, we remind that the last six months of Belarusian women who do not host lies and gangsterism, kept, beat up and put in prison. On the map of Minsk, many points are noted by violence against Belarusians: a mosquito, Nemiga, Wall on Masherov, Pl. Victory, pl. Freedom, "Iceberg", "Lido". Today we are in black to remind the true relationship of people who captured power to Belarusian women to humiliate and suffocation of our votes. But it will not always be ".

Judging by the background in the pictures, it can be assumed that they were not made today.

Our chat bots send photos and videos from such shares that have passed directly on March 8 in the format of solidarity chains.

Also comes the snapshots of the shares of another format.

Infographics. What percentage of women among prisoners in Europe

MAPS & DATA telegrams published infographics based on World Prison Brief Statistics for the period from 2018 to 2021. It reflects the share of the female population in Europe prisons. According to the source, the top 5 countries look like this:

1. Belarus - 10.8% of all prisoners, 2. Andorra - 8.9%, 3. Latvia - 8.6%, 4. Finland - 8.3%, 5. Russia, Czech Republic - 8.2%.

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