How to act, if you or your close to put oncological diagnosis

How to act, if you or your close to put oncological diagnosis 1136_1
How to act, if you or your close to put oncological diagnosis

Given the progress of medicine in the treatment of oncological diseases, the diagnosis of "malignant neoplasm" is no longer as frightened by people than before. In this instruction, together with the specialists of the Khanty-Mansiysk branch, Alfactory-OMS LLC, we will tell you how to cope with panic, get free medical care and live a full life.

Oncology is treated

In the treatment of neoplasm in the early stages, five-year remission occurs in most patients. Of course, the forecast for oncological disease depends on the type of malignant neoplasm, its localization and process stage. Over the course of the disease, the initial focus can grow, and then metastases appear, and it becomes harder to fight the disease.

If within five years after treatment, the disease has not returned, then the risks of recurrence for the patient - not many higher than their peers who never suffered with cancer.

Recovery on different stages of the oncological disease depends not only on the course of the disease itself, but also on the general condition of the body. Treatment is an operational intervention, medicinal (chemo, hormonal) therapy or radiotherapy. The earlier the disease was found and treatment started, the better the forecast. That is why regular observation of the doctor, the passage of preventive inspections and the clinical examination, on which the disease may be found at an early stage and save lives.

How do they diagnose - zno?

The diagnosis is established taking into account the clinical picture, instrumental and laboratory studies. Usually, the diagnosis begins with a doctor-specialist's office in the clinic: it collects the patient's history and sends to a survey.

All of the study needed to establish a diagnosis are included in the OMS program (the complete list in each case determines the attending physician). Among them:

Blood tests: general and biochemical, study on monackers, AST and ALT, potassium content;

Urine tests for determining the level of protein, creatinine, urea, phosphatases and others;

Endoscopy - for example, gastrointestinal tract

Scanning: MRI, CT, ultrasound

Taking fabric samples and their histological and cytological examination - for example, the mucous membrane of the uterus or the study of the samples of the tissues of the pleural cavity and the abdominal organs

Other specialized studies - for example, the feces analysis on the hidden blood in suspected colorectal cancer or mammography in suspected of a breast tumor.

In case of suspected malignant neoplasm, the patient is directed from the polyclinic to the primary oncological center, the center of outpatient oncological assistance or an oncological dispensary. Further, the patient has an oncologist: it takes a fence of biopsy material in outpatient conditions or, if necessary, in a specialized hospital, and also assigns additional research. And after confirms the diagnosis, together with the oncological componence, prescribes treatment and dispensary observation.

Is it possible to go fast?

In 2020, the Ministry of Health has reduced the deadline for the diagnosis and treatment for patients with suspicion of knowing:

Reception by a specialist doctor - 3 business days from the date of appeal

General and specialized research, specialized (with the exception of high-tech) Medical assistance - 7 working days from the date of direction

Primary reception oncologist - 5 calendar days from the date of direction

Oncologist's biopsy - 1 working day after primary reception

Installation of dispensary observation - 3 working days from the date of diagnosis

With the diagnosis is understandable. And what about treatment?

Depending on the stage of the disease, patients show different types of treatment. The decision on the appointment of one or another method takes the oncoconsilium, consisting of a minimum of three doctors oncologists of various specialization, radiotherapist, surgeon and chemotherapist. In the early stages, treatment is usually limited to the removal of the hearth disease using surgical or radiosurgical intervention. If the disease has spread further, patients are prescribed comprehensive therapy: surgical operations, radiation and chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc. Start treatment should no later than 7 working days from the date of establishing a preliminary diagnosis.

All types of cancer assistance, including high-tech assistance (VMP), which uses innovative and resource-intensive technologies - are included in the Mandatory Medical Insurance Program, which means that are free for insured by OMS. For help, a passport is needed or another document certifying the personality policy, an OMS policy, the conclusion of the oncomilium about the need for a certain type of medical care, issued epicride from clinics and surveys results.

After carrying out the necessary treatment, the patient will be directed to the dispensary observation. There will be a rehabilitation methods and will be invited to the following preventive study - as a rule, 1-4 times a year at least over the next 5 years.

In 2019, the Ministry of Health launched the National Health Project, in which the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases occupies an important place. Many centers have received modern equipment, reference laboratories opened in scientific institutions to clarify diagnoses without the presence of the patient: the attending physician can direct the patient's medical records there from any settlement.

"Another direction of assistance is oncobole - oncomonitoring, which is carried out by insurance medical organizations. Often the diagnosis of "Oncology" disoriented patients. The fear causes the goal to the doctor, do not follow the terms of treatment, refuse the recommendations of the doctor. Insurance representatives themselves associate with such patients and follow the progress of their diagnosis and treatment: talk about action options, help to collect documents, support consultation, legally and, that is important in the case of a hard diagnosis, psychologically, "comments Maxim Solovy, director of the Khanty-Mansiysk branch of LLC "Alfasture - OMS".

To protect your rights to timely medical care, it is important to apply to the insurance medical organization that issued an OMS policy. If the deadlines imposed under the law are violated, the insurance representatives themselves will contact the medical organization and will help in a timely manner. In cases where it is impossible, the patient organizes consultation in another hospital - for example, in the district center. Specialists will protect your rights and provide medical care provided by law.

If you received a policy in Alfactory-OMS, call the hotline: 8 (800) 555-10-01. You can arrange or re-inform the policy by leaving the application on the website or contacting one of the points of issuing policies located in your area.

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