The Public Council of the SAZ microdistrict came up against the opening of the industrial park near the residential building

The Public Council of the SAZ microdistrict came up against the opening of the industrial park near the residential building 11357_1

The Public Council of the SAZ microdistrict and its inhabitants opposed the construction of an industrial park in the factory district of Saratov. The corresponding post yesterday, March 14, the social activists posted on their page in Instagram.

"Often industrial enterprises ignore environmental norms, exceed emissions into the atmosphere and reservoirs, due to these moments, residents fear the potential threat to their health and their children. After all, no one will give a specific answer - what kind of production there will be, what work will be performed whether fire hazardous substances will be stored there and so on. In this case, the site intended for construction is located in the center of the factory district, it means proximity to the residential sectors and the banks of the Volga River. Judging by the magnitude of such a park and a small area of ​​free land, the sanitary and protective zone will be absent. Please note that in close proximity to schools, (to the Aviator School of 500 meters), kindergartens and institutions, which makes the safety of the movement of children of preschool and school age at risk, "the locals noted.

In addition, members of the Public Council indicate both the lack of modern and well-thought-out transport infrastructure in the microdistrict that in the case of the opening of the industrial park will lead to a car collapse.

"Our microdistrict does not have its own infrastructure of improvement, there are no recreation areas at all, the frequency roads are so narrow that transport drives around with difficulty. Lack of full entry into the neighborhood! But instead of solving this and the question of the lack of sidewalks at the entrance, the authorities give permission to build a market inside a residential neighborhood. And now also an industrial enterprise called "Park", "citizens reported.

Under the post, citizens have already left several dozen comments, in which they expressed a unique position with the requirement to bring the construction of an industrial park over the city.

  • During the working visit to Saratov on March 4, the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin told about the plans to create in the city of the Industrial Park and Technopark. One of the opening of the industrial fleet was called the territory of the former aviation plant.

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