Soviet collective farm gave people agrarian hardening

Soviet collective farm gave people agrarian hardening 11349_1

Nail Salikhov was born on March 9, 1931 in the village of Parkhad Baltasinsky district. He began his career at the age of 19, after the end of the Tsigeign Secondary School of the Baltasinsky district, a teacher in a Pijmarine seven-year school. In 1956, he graced the Faculty of Geography of the Kazan State Pedagogical Institute in absentia.

From November 1970 to April 1991, he became the head of the collective farm "50 years of the VLKSM" of the native district. Under his leadership at the enterprise there were great changes in the production and economic indicators of the economy, the social infrastructure of human settlements and housing and living conditions of members of the Company.

So, during the wintering of livestock in 1972-1973 for the best production and economic indicators in the All-Union Socialist Competition, the collective farm was awarded the banner of the Central Committee of the Trade Union members and a minibus.

Thanks to the focused work on the initiative and under the direct leadership of the head of the economy for 7 years in the villages of Nuriner, Lyudai and Komarov, animal farms and mills operating on electricity were built.

Nail Salikhovich paid special attention to the improvement of the welfare of employees of the economy, creating good working and recreation conditions, as well as timely remuneration of each of the invested work. So, during his leadership in p. Children's garden for 25 seats, medical center, library, auto station and dryers for drying grain was built.

In the village of Nuriner in 1981-1991, high school for 320 seats were built, kindergarten for 90 seats, sawmills, autogaras, shops, potatoes for 1500 tons, silo trenches for 2000 tons, two Senate towers with a capacity of 900 tons each, as well as PCP -25 for sorting potatoes. In 1986, shops were built in the village of Chalchi, and the school overhaul was made. For 20 years, 18 apartments were built in the collective farm "50 years of the VLKSM".

The feeling of tremendous responsibility for the entrusted business, a constant desire for self-improvement, the efficiency in solving economic and industrial problems, large organizational abilities in solving specific tasks in agricultural production, the ability to rally the team to achieve the goal - all these qualities allowed the Nail Salikov to bring the farm in the number of advanced in the area.

Nail Salikhovich Salikhov is a devotee of his work, attentive to people. And even in his old age, it does not cease to take care of the welfare of members of society, supporting them morally and financially.

Since 1992, he has been chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Nurner Rural settlement of the Baltasinsky district.

Awarded medals "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War," "For valiant work in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin "and" In memory of the 1000th anniversary of the city of Kazan ", the award" Excellence of People's Education ", the Order of the" Labor Red Banner ", the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Tassr, Silver Medal of VDNH. In 1988 he received a deserved worker of agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On the day of the 90th anniversary, the Council of Veterans APK RT congratulated him on his birthday and presented with letters of graceful letters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Council of Veterans of the APK RT.

(Source and photo: MSHIP RT press service).

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