SGB: Russian youth Latvia does not share the worldview of the Kremlin

SGB: Russian youth Latvia does not share the worldview of the Kremlin 11348_1

The convincing majority of young Russian people living in Latvia feel belonging to Western values, indicates a state security service report (SGB) over the past year.

Despite the restrictions imposed to combat a pandemic of "COVID-19", the amount of work of the SGB in the field of protection of the constitutional system of Latvia last year did not decrease.

As noted in the report, a consistently large threat in this area last year proceeded from the measures of non-military influence implemented by Russia, the purpose of which is to undermine the faith of residents of Latvia to the country's constitutional system, the basic principles of democracy, the legitimacy of Latvian statehood, as well as confidence in the NATO allies and to the European Union.

Last year, a set of measures for the nearing influence of Russia was based on the previous directions - the protection of the rights of the so-called Russian compatriots, the consolidation of young compatriots and the preservation of historical memory.

The purposeful efforts of Russia to attract Latvian youth to the realization of the policy of compatriots were continued.

According to the SGB, the implementation of this area in Latvia is carried out by the diplomatic representation of Russia, which has long been trying to find suitable leaders to work with the younger generation to ensure the protection of the interests of the Kremlin abroad.

"However, the convincing majority of Russian youth living in Latvia, according to the assessment of the SGB, it feels belonging to Western values, and the systematic efforts of Russia to expand the commitment of young people living in Latvia the concept of the" Russian world "and the aggressive, splitting Society of the Kremlin's worldview did not succeed.", - The report says.

The SGB notes that last year Russia continued targeted work to attract young people living in Latvia to study in Russian universities.

The analysis conducted by the SGB shows that the attraction of foreign youth to study in Russia will remain an important direction for the search and upbringing of future Russian influence agents.

Given the lack of new, talented activists, there is reason to believe that in the near future the number of quotas in places in Russian universities will gradually increase, warns SGB.

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