The harm of a vegan diet for the health of the bones was confirmed

The harm of a vegan diet for the health of the bones was confirmed 11345_1
The harm of a vegan diet for the health of the bones was confirmed

In recent years, the vegetable type of food has become increasingly popular in Western countries and even in Russia, especially considering fashion for everything that has an "Eco" console. People often decide to become vegetarians or vegans (a more hard version: implies a refusal of eggs, dairy products, refined or processed food, preservatives, alcohol, caffeine, any stimulants and animal products). Moreover, they explain their choice not only by compassion for animals and care about the world around the world, but also alleged health benefits.

Indeed, there is evidence that a similar type of nutrition is able to protect against many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, problems with cardiovascular system or cancer. Nevertheless, not the first day they say that the vegan diet does not carry the desired number of vitamins and macroelements: the refusal of animal products, in particular, is associated with a lower mineral density of bone tissue and is fraught with increased risk of fractures. Our skeleton is a dynamic and metabolically active combination of bones, cartilage, fabrics and ligaments, extremely sensitive to their micro-operation, say scientists. Therefore, food habits are considered an important factor affecting its condition.

For example, calcium and vitamin D - the main determinants of bone health and are considered potentially important nutrients for vegans, as well as omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B12 and A, minerals - zinc, selenium, iodine. On the other hand, plant diets offer important nutrients protecting bones, such as vitamin K and folic acid.

The goal of the new study was to identify differences in the state of the bones of Vegan and "omnivorous", as well as identify nutrition biomarkers associated with bone health (vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids). The authors of the work were made by German scientists from the Chiarite's unsolicited clinic in Berlin, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, the University of Martin Luther and Potsdam University. Results are published in the journal Nutrients.

Participants in the study, which was conducted from January to July 2017, were 72 people aged 30-60 years with a body mass index of less than 30, without diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and pregnancy. Half of them adhered to a vegan type of nutrition (on average for 4.8 years), and there was no restrictions in the second half. That is, they have eaten at least three portions of ordinary meat or two portions of treated meat per week. All participants surrended samples of urine and blood on an empty stomach, conducted detailed diaries of nutrition, anthropometric measurements (weight, growth and waist circle) were held, a quantitative ultrasound study of the state of the bones and told about their lifestyle.

There were no differences between the groups in anthropometric indicators, physical activity, smoking, education or alcohol consumption. However, compared with the "omnivorous" (33.3%) vegan (97.2%), additives were more often taken, especially with vitamin B12 (91.7%). As a result, it turned out that people who refused from animal products had lower bone ultrasound indicators compared to the second group, they also revealed reduced levels of calcium in the urine, zinc concentrations, selenoproteins and lack of total fatty acids.

"In Veganov, the concentration of the α-cloto protein (regulates the sensitivity of the body to insulin. - Approx. Ed.) Was higher. But "omnivores" had higher concentrations of vitamins A and B2, while vegans showed higher concentrations of vitamin K1 and folic acid. Differences in the concentration of vitamins B12 and B6 we did not reveal. However, Vegans showed higher concentrations of glutamine and lower lysine concentrations, whereas there were no differences in other amino acids (for example, Alanine, Arginine, Leucine and Proline). Scientific evidence suggests that some specific nutrients obtained mainly from food sources of animal origin are found at vegans in smaller quantities, which may adversely affect the health of the bones, "write the authors of work.

Thus, scientists found out that 12 of the 28 biomarkers make the greatest contribution to the health of bones: lysine, iodine (in urine), thyrotropic hormone, selenoprotein P, vitamin A, leucine, protein α-cloto, polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium / magnesium ( In the urine), vitamin B6 and fibroblast growth factors (FGFS).

Of course, more large-scale studies are needed for distant conclusions. However, taking into account other scientific work, it can be argued that vegans are obtained with food less nutrients that are vital for the health of the bones and are mainly kept in the food of animal origin.

Source: Naked Science

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