Nikas Safronov spoke about the one that "did not give the meanings" of his passionate love


Star painter shared memories, as well as future plans

Nikas Safronov spoke about the one that
Nikas Safronov ,

Today Nikas is a man in a personal and creative plan. Impressant and inspirational, he is a mud of many women. The artist meets the reciprocity of his fans and emphasizes that in love with female beauty:

And I am enthusiastically in love with female beauty .... After all, it is a woman in my work is an inspirational and a muse - I dedicated most of the work to the weak floor

- Quotes the Safronov source.

Nikas Safronov spoke about the one that
Photo: Global Look

Alas, to displeasure ladies, Nikas believes that the creative person can have two or more beloved:

If a woman, let's say, meets with such a man, like Alain Delon in his very bloom, then she probably should assume that it's not the only one. Although it may be wrong - I knew many beauties who were alolyubs. But it is necessary, unfortunately, to come to terms and with the fact that your in demand and an extraordinary man may still have someone except you. How many stories we read about the love adventures of such actors, like, for example, Brad Pitt or Jack Nicholson, - and these are not a single case

Miscellaneous in life happened at all in life - from loyal love for one girl until the moment when the period of creative searches wanted to meet with several lover:

In young years, when I fell in love, I believed that it was love for life. But time went, life changed, and my views changed. I had hobbies, love, and during this period - I would say: the search period - I met with one, but with several girls. However, all women who connected me with me, I am grateful and now I can say thanks. Thank you for being. Thank you for throwing me. Today I understand that the woman with which I could live a life, did not give the meanings of my passionate and devotional love

And only one young lady stayed with him to the end - this is his art:

But there is one that I was often wrong, but she is still with me: it's art

Now the host hero became quieter than in young ray years, but does not exclude that in the future it can marry - after all, life is such a thing with surprises:

Life is a difficult thing and sometimes I am presented with unexpected surprises. And today for me, passion is not the main thing. A woman who now has a chance to stay next to me, must be more like a close friend and partner in life than his wife on a passport

Randomly flew the filter - that Eza Anokhina took. Meanwhile, Julia Menshova told about Maksakova - "humiliated me." Sasha Bortich was also discounted, but the public has caused only disgusting, unlike Ksenia Alferova, who told about life with Beroev: "My husband is not rich."

Manukyan told that he did not like in the girls - he pursle after parting with Buzova. But Alla Dovlatova is happy. She shared a photograph of a three-year-old daughter - admirers of the radio officers in complete loss. Evgenia Medvedev caused Furore to the new way Geisha.

Bulanova embarrassed fans with a warm shot with Evgeny Kafelnikov.

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